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Everything posted by Rhysmassey135

  1. a good tanker would be nice to have good idea
  2. its even worse as well as i managed to save about £150 by contracting to spend at toytrac , as mam said, o well therel be more to spen next year or at spalding
  3. dad wasnt to happy i can tell you but we went to cheddar gorge etc and made a day of it
  4. noforlkin chance thats true tris! say it out then you'l get it
  5. suppose i should change my signature to 'toytrac numpty'? what do you think :D
  6. i wish i could tris \ if i was 1 year older i could have taken my ped or the 135 , get plenty of pics for me will you mate
  7. iv never felt such an idiot in my whole life the guy at the gate said, are you a trader or showing? dad said o no were here for the show, its not on until tomorrow. dad then said o, thanks, terra
  8. cattle shed looks good so far to so keep us updated
  9. i deserve the golden biggest numpty award \ here why..... dad bought a vanand organized to pick it up today, but i went no no no you cant toytrac saturday, so he organized to pick it up tomorrow. so we get all set and make it all the way to wincanton from south west wales, get there, no cars, thats weird.... we got there, just empty tables and no cars, dad goes - Rhys, are you sure its today. me - i think its tomorrow. few words there from dad - you beep beep why didnt you check before we left, then we set for home, i feel such a tw@t and im going to miss toytrac now but looking back its kind of funny
  10. looks good mate love the pic of the self proppelled filling up the trailer then the tanker going by
  11. thats a fair collection mate some nice bits of kit in there
  12. ooooo id love to rumage round the back yard of your house, some good kit in there
  13. looks different i may even purchase it if i had the money
  14. well if the rain cleans it after every shower imagine how much work its done
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