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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. thanks for that mate , i knew the 698T shared it's engine with model in the range
  2. the 6030 does look odd doesnt it it was bought specificly for the feeder wagon , although it does what it's asked to do throughout the year at silage & maize time , the farmer is related to alpinefocus, so i think dan would have more pics of the previous 2wd tsa, he's also just swapped a TS110 for a 4wd 6030, the 2wd goes well but has been in twice due to a dodgy clutch the little massey is a 240 with a duncan cab
  3. nothing going on here at the mo but mum's just reminded me that i'd do a small display for her village flower & vegetable show think i'll just do another spud one like last years toy-trac \
  4. MJB1

    At work with Gav

    did you not mark the last drill with a stick or someting ? i used to keep an old cane & a 100cwt fert bag handy in such events
  5. damn you're good mark :D no tris didn't see this one. the one he took is in a different topic
  6. & if this works right , this might be a a quick vid i did , but it's pixelated more than i'd like
  7. not so much an issue of hours clocked , but maybe some serious miles
  8. nice little load in sedgemoor services
  9. MJB1

    At work with Gav

    once it starts to come down it certainly draws a different line of events for the day gav , always the same just as you get going , all rained off, shame looks like the going was good
  10. you're so bloody annoying sean scratchbuild this ,scratch build that, at least stop it till we catch up :D all coming together nicely mate , & you're right the latter set of wheels do suit it
  11. hmm 600 sizes was a bit strange. at malherbie the 698 was as big as the 699 although a bit shorter as only a 4 pot, but they were both on 38's when the 698 was sold & the 698T arrived it was the same size as the neighbours 690 we came to the conclusion that a 698T was basicly a blown 690 wether thats right i dont know. i've also seen a 675 that was longer than a 690 , due to massey offering short wheel base / long wheelbase tyre sizes were also the thing to watch , very rarely see a 698T offered on 38' more usual the 34's
  12. why would you want to open a can of worms ? why who's getting it wrong ?
  13. well id' like to say it looks alot better , but that wossname thingy hung in the back of the cab ruins a very good model brilliant mate , hmm would be hard to move the cab back without having to move anything that spart of the main model the detail looks great i think collin will be well happy with the result , what with his map & night out gear :) :)
  14. yeah carefull you don't cut yerself
  15. well i spose it's classed as a tractor of sorts i had this to play with for the day & check out the number plate ;D
  16. ? you're never gong to fit an 80 loader to what yer making :o :D
  17. yeah i know sean , but have you ever seen a te20 thats unrestored in a shade of grey as dark as stoneleigh grey ?
  18. ohh you little bugger, tempting fate that is , but yes a 698/698T, may come round when i get the bits i need
  19. maybe one day tris you never know , a 675 wouldnt go amiss either
  20. hmm bit of a 'grey' area this , stoneleigh grey is what people paint their t20's but harry ferguson always specified battleship grey which is a lot lighter in colour
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