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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. sorry ,but all you got to do is put a smile on it & it would look like something off CBBC :D :D
  2. thanks for that ,i now think i't unfortunate that although the detail is getting pretty well spot on the durability is something that will need to be addressed . i only have the NH TS A, model of new generation britains but the build quality still has a way to go before it reaches siku standards especially the steering at the front axle. if the siku & britains tractors were put into a child play test i,m sure the siku would still be complete at the end.
  3. was there a reason for Britains loosing the plot Andy ? don't think demand or lack of it would be an excuse as things went down hill quite quickly just as siku was just getting up to speed ,or was that the reason a genuine competitor ?
  4. what did you build them from ? as for a base to start from it doesn't look too bad but looks abit cardboardy(if thats a word ) i have never attempted to build some thing from scratch , thanks form the pics ,v. good
  5. you sure they're not flats this time NH2 :D
  6. i thought it was strange F-P thats why i replied but didn't vote \
  7. no keep the drivers supplied with the models ,how daft does a display look telling every body what work the tractor is doing but it looks daft without the driver . if you dont want the driver take it out ,at least we'd have the option
  8. ah you mean the finger tine bars across the lenght of the reel ? yeah mine don't fit either ,i was going to glue mine as when one end is fitted the other end comes out of the holes ! crap isn't it \
  9. MJB1


    HO,HO,NO :D :D
  10. MJB1


    no need to SHOUT at santa & if i asked for a 930 he'd probably tell me i shouldn't of turned down the job offer of fendt 930 tractor driver awhile back so serves me right :'( :'( :'( :'(
  11. seconded, apart from the pick-up hitch on the TSa
  12. yeah but you've got dwarves ,orcs,elves,hobits & gandalf ! :D :D swap a forager for arwen ?
  13. MJB1

    Packomat Drill

    you go carefull there sweetie :D :D
  14. he has too much spare time all the time :D
  15. some controlls have heavy duty magnets far easy removal
  16. never seen a red one for sale .i painted mine
  17. how much abuse will they take,? mine will be ok but the ones for the kids maybe in for a few knocks \
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