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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Let me guess, 1978 with a 165 Flexi-Cab. You're like Uncle bleeding Albert you are! :D
  2. 'JCB BLOKE' is also a digger driver and he builds wonderful english stone buildings. Maybe digger drivers make the best model builders!!
  3. Good to ser a fresh conversion topic and on a different subject to machinery too. He looks like a big chap, you'll have a few calves to make next!
  4. Amazing! I love all the work with the wood. On a real farm, when would this building be built? 1800's? What do you do for employment, a carpenter maybe?!
  5. That's a fantastic looking conversion, Jack. Looks like you put a lot of effort both financially and with your hands but the result is very much worth it. Good on you
  6. Good Morning John, good to see you back showing your face. Hope you get to see, capture and post some harvest action soon. Been a bad year for being able to het on the land this year. "Click Click David" has been giving us a good show though. I was up near Pocklington a week or two ago picking up tractors
  7. I do think the body is too far back and either a new one made from scratch, a second body cut and joined to this one or possible a trailer body found that could be the right length. As for a ram, is it a front mounted ram you are after? A car aerial is a popular idea. Or are you going for under floor tipping gear with the scissor support structure? So far as the truck goes though you have made a very nice job of that indeed, especially the steering.
  8. No problem at all Rick, always happy to help the mis-guided.
  9. FTF had a smart Classifieds system to cater for just this kind of thing
  10. That's a pretty impressive bit of carpentry you have got yourself there. You ought to make a few of them, if the cider is any good you wont be seeing straight enough again!
  11. Carting wholecrop silage bales for a couple of hours and before that, the morning cattle rounds. This afternoon I'll probably end up doing...... What 'she' says!
  12. Whaaaaaaat?! Blinking Nora, UH. Pull your finger out!
  13. 'Orrible. Don't like that at all and it is of no interest to me. I too am awaiting the older MF's with great anticipation.
  14. Havn't ever done much but these were a useful lot. http://www.albionalloys.co.uk/metal-for-model-makers
  15. You blithering idiot Pullen! :D
  16. If you call your current tractor a bank, you've got £10k in your account. Firstly, you have been offered work so that's a good starting point. Secondly, don't narrow down your search too much. Sort out how much you can add to the bank account to buy a new tractor, then you have a starting figure to start up your business. Easy but done. Now trawl through the online ads, farming press for tractors in that price range. Now you have an idea of what you need to earn back to make it pay. Go back your would be customers with your figures, if you get some sort of work garunteed, even say one day a week all year on slurry tanking, or something like that infront of you. At this point you can go to the dealers and haggle to your hearts content. There is very little point in getting excited over a new tractor if you don't do the sums right first. Every younger chap wants to go contracting - sometimes its better to let someone else take the risks and just get paid your hourly rate for working... If you get your sums wrong you may end up doing that anyway!
  17. I believe so on weight and breaking regs. I found this out AFTER towing a 30ft Lexion header with a Land Rover 110, without knowing the legalities at the time I knew I took it by the seat of my pants. It scared the crap out of me. No trailer breaks and it was the dolly type trailer too. For anyone that knows the route from Frome to Shaftesbury and on to Bere Regis I'm sure I need not explain!! Couldn't go over 30mph as it would just snake.
  18. Wow, I have never seen nor heard of straw stored like this before! Very interesting to see something entirely new. The neighbour has two nice classic Case machines too, did you do the baling there before he bouhht his own baler? How has the harvest been and us the straw if good quality? Here in the UK it is a battle just to get a day to combine, even harder to get the baler into dry straw!
  19. Graham that trailer looks like its's in a different post code! Big 'ol combine! Nice pics lately chaps, peeing down here again but a lot has been cleared when people have taken the chance. A long way to go yet though.
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