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Everything posted by jordantaylor

  1. some of the kit around the yard, bedformers, sub soilers ect...
  2. bit of re-wiring on the house and down the sheds
  3. picture update now that store 4&5 have been emptied we have brought some on the irrigation and grading kit indoors so that it does not get badly damaged by the weather
  4. yeah, it was a standard 6230 , i will have a look on the steps mate and let you know if it has the number on i must say its a good looking tractor, calnt wait to get her going
  5. not sure, all i know is that it arrived today, i was told about it so went to have a look its replaced the 10 plate 6230 we had before
  6. new 60 plate jd 6230 premium arrived today, we will be driving it next tuesday
  7. what a collection, i want so when is the FTF trip to your meuseum of a superb collection
  8. wow, and i thought my work was big what do you grow and what kit do u use??? calnt wait 2 see more pics of the kit
  9. yes what i mean is, most people think they are perfect when lifted but really its the perfect ones that are selected, alot of the general public dont realise the the amount that is wasted. if a potato has a bruise on it or is mis-shaped then its classed as not good, and if younger memebers of society are being brought up with the same view the problem is not going to improve. its the same with carrots, there were missshaped carrots in the yard that were not going to be used as they were not perfect, seems silly to me to waste them, im not sure what they are going to do with them yet, ill ask
  10. at the end of the day, think of the waste, if the british public and the companies that sell the products wernt so fussy we would have no waste but due to everything having to be perfect for some reason we do, its a shame as farmers could make so much more money and there would be less need to grow more
  11. might do, long way off yet, got plenty of time to plan and save to buy materials, i could even be driving myself to toytrac it will be an expensive year for me
  12. im not sure yet mate, i might just do the farm for myself and some small scenes for shows, i will probs try and get the farm to toytrac though, i like that show allot. it certainly will not be finished before then, i doubt i will be going to anymore shows now untill toytrac
  13. well, it all depends you could have a late winter wheat drilling scene, maize scene, buying in some beef cattle for over winter, muck spreading. yard scenes : servicing/cleaning machinery after harvest, feeding/bedding up of cattle, farm maintainance such as fencing or hedge laying,
  14. hmmm, just wondering what season to have my farm set in spring: fert spreading, drilling of spring barley, muck/slurry spreading summer: silaging, baling, start of cereals harvest summer/autumn: slurry/muck spreading, drilling of wheat, bale hauling, farm maintainence winter: feeding, maintainance, hedge laying WHAT SHOULD I CHOOSE??? YOU DECIDE!!
  15. we put them straight into the grader from the fields, we have 3 graders and yes they are all hauled with bulk trailers
  16. very true, walker only care that the potatoes are of a good enough quality to crisp, thats why we are frying samples 2 times a week from every store untill they want them so they can see what the end product is like
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