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Everything posted by jordantaylor

  1. would you say the baler was worth buying as i was going to get the challenger version
  2. this section of the forum will be for my model scenes that i do here is the first one. it is not finished yet but it does show a winter scene with a landrover in the lane and the new holland coming out of a field after going and feeding the sheep. in the trailer is a round bale of hay and small bales of hay.
  3. when are the manitou models getting released they look really good
  4. nice to see the real thing, what does your uncle think of the real deal then??
  5. not a massive change but i might get one to sit next to its 2010 brother
  6. i know we are only 14 days into 2011 but its going well for me as ive just booked and paid for my welding course and ive got my ATV course coming up in february. i also got news from JRO today that i will only be bedtilling for 3 days and then working the rest of the planting season managing all of the bedtilling gang and bedtillers of which i control what they do (make sure they dont lift the tillers to save fuel) and make sure they are working efficiently. i also have the job of checking the bedtillers after finishing each field (checking tines ect... to see if i need to send them back to the workshop to have new ones fitted). whilst doing that i have to check soil quality and depth to make sure its ok for the de-stoners to go in and i will be getting paid an extra £2.40/hr to do it it does not sound like a big job but is very important to save time and money for the company and to make sure the contractors dont try and screw us over otherwise them saving themselves money on fuel just makes a hard time for the planters as the ground is not fine enough to plant in
  7. jd 6530 redrock tanker, new holland t6090 & joskin tanker, jd 5r series on turf tyres (council one i think) mccormick & hedge cutter, new holland ? & hedge cutter, contractors jd 7810 & hedgecutter
  8. very interesting, its about time some decent manitou models were made as i know of many farmers that use them and they are a good machine
  9. please god i hope they do, i will definatly get one as i took my test in one and we have 2 at college
  10. clearly you arent otherwise she would not want to go out with you, she must see something in you and you clearly like her so all is well good lad
  11. well as far as i knew i can pull up to a 2 axel trailer behind the tractor anyway, and i think weights of up to 10 tonne or around that area i will have to do one when it comes to hauling spuds as they are in 16ton trailers but i think i have to 17 before i can do that test so i will have to wait untill may to do that
  12. booked my tractor driving test (hopefully do it before spring i think the tractor is a bit to wide but they will never now also the contractor from work has offered me weekend work on his dairy farm and my boss has agreed to it aswell, im starting this weekend tanking slurry trying to empty the slurry lagoon as the wet weather has filled it up allot
  13. absolutily superb really nice model and all the other models you have done are great aswell, keep them coming as they are great to see
  14. it will be good tris, i would honestly be happy with a john deere or new holland, new hollands to me have a smoother gear box but john deeres i feel are more for driver comfort and when im doing 16 hour days in it that would probably be what id need but either way im not fussed as long as it runs well and gets the job done efficiently im happy i do get a say as i think at the end of it they are going to let me buy the tractor off them but still use it to work for them but my boss wants me to set up my own contracting business and so has said when i leave if i need any equipment for contracting they would let me use theres at a small fee. they have been really good to me so far and i can see me having a good relationship with them for many years to come, they have also promised to keep work coming my way aswell so im really pleased.
  15. yes, i was not thinking of selling the model when built but i was not sure how it would affect its ltd edition value i really like the model and think it will fit into the farm well and i think a nice keenan wagon or fert spreader behind it will look well
  16. cheers guys im now definitly going to do it, might open the back window aswell and add some extras driver, little dog sitting next to him, tow chain, newspaper ect...
  17. i think he chose those planters as the tractors we are using are not big enough for the 6 row machines, and we do have 3 row bedformers i will get some photos for you and we do have GPS on the bigger machines, and all of the contractors john deere's and new hollands have them
  18. we use them to allow for easy de-stoning and to reduce the size and amount of clods/stones ending up in the bottom of the furrow it helps to create a finer seedbed
  19. i do enjoy working there as there is something different to do all the time tractor shopping will be interesting as we are looking for a multi purpose tractor that can do a range of jobs from planting/bedtilling to hauling, ploughing and sprayin ect... i think we are going for around a 150-160HP tractor the contractor does help out in busy times i.e harvest (both cereals & root crop), plantin & drilling. he also does some of the hedge cutting. we have all of the trailers and impliments apart from the plough and one of the big cultivators
  20. superb work as usual, great conversions and scenes keep them coming
  21. been busy at work lately checking all of the spud kit before the spring when we are planting we have just just aquired 6 new grimme 2 row drills so they will be put to the test as we are having 1400 acres of spuds this year. im going to be on one of the bedtillers and so im going out with the contractor tractor shopping next week to get me a decent tractor for me to use for the next 2 years for bedtilling, hauling in the harvest both cereals and spuds and other general work im thinking a new holland or john deere about 150-160HP
  22. well guys im going to ask what you lot think i should do on this one i want to put this quicke loader on the limited edition new holland but not sure if i should or not what should i do here are some photos of the loader balanced on the model where it would go woult it increase or decrease its value aswell as its already a ltd edition
  23. lovely model, do they all have hydraulic toplinks as on my model it does not but on the real one it does it looks good in black but not sure if id have mine done
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