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Everything posted by civilpek

  1. well theres still a few baled silage jobs to do but the silage season is more or less finished now, until the maize starts things will be a bit quite for a while with just a bit of hay and digger work happening to keep things ticking over, most of my time over the next few weeks will be spent around the yard doing bits and pieces until the new harvester comes, shell be getting a bit of a going over and theres another ken wooton trailer coming that must get modified with bigger tyres and different back door and colour change etc for the maize season. at the moment there is only ment to be 3 of those trailers in nz and these guys already have two of them the third one is down in the south island at the moment but they more or less have a deal reached with the owner of it. the weather is getting very hot now and you get sun burnt easily............... speaking from experience, so since its quite it will be good to finish earlier and stuff so you can enjoy the weather and do a bit of other stuff till the pressure starts again, once maize starts it will be 6am starts and late finishes
  2. heres the case chopper \ its actually a jd painted in case colours............... dont ask they seem to think case are the bees knees here the thing is theres a jd 7500 coming next month for the maize and she too is going getting a colour change before she does a tap
  3. heres a few i took yesterday and today of one of our last pit silage jobs for the season , raked it yesterday afternoon and started picking it up this morning before the weather turned it to hay................ you dont see too many mx 270s drawing silage at home do u
  4. i was raking a bit of hay last week for the baler, and the second one is one of the carting tractors with a kenworth tractor also from last week
  5. hey lads heres some pics from the new place i started at, the first one is of a 5140 side dressing and the second is one of their mx 270s
  6. ya oli thats for sure alrite. a change of what your used to is great
  7. will get some more up later james, must go packing bacgs now have been puttin git off all morning
  8. no bother boy, i think they get deleted automatically after a few months or something but il put some up for you now no problem, connor pass can be dodgy enuf at times especially when icy.... a jeep hit the wall last year and was hanging over the edge rite at teh worst part of the cliff! you can only guess what they were thinking ;D
  9. well from what ive seen its a way less buracuratic here, especially where farming is concerned people seem to be more freely able to go about their lives without all those outside influences that are imposing on european farmers. even take the amount of dirt bikes over here, if that was at home there would be war over noise, and detioration of trails etc etc but there every where over here. its defidently a way cheaper to live here, food is dirt cheap as is fuel and take car insurance for an example, its optional and when you do pay for it, it only costs roughly $200 for a year. at home my car insurance last year was about ?1100!!!!!! some joke. ive heard of some court cases here on the radio and stuff where settlements paid out amounted to about $10,000 dollars for pretty serious incidents which is only about ?5000, if that was at home payments would amounted to ?250,000 plus. it seems this place is alot more sensible where fairness is concerned. theres defidently alot more public events and amenities, such as endurance tests, races, fishing, adventure stuff and things along those lines, especially compared to ireland anyway which has virtually nothing going on for young people, and if there is something its too expensive or whatever the down side is that alot of parts here are just so remote, you dont really get an idea for it till you see it yourself, i guess it just depends on your personal prefrences of what you want. its hard to say which is better, id say if this place wasnt as remote it would defidently win hands down
  10. heres some earlier ones i took a while back
  11. well this took a little fit of force! got the other one leaving in the evening
  12. aw man you should see her climb, i have to admit i didnt like her at first shes kinda ugly, \ but il tell you she grows on you and i like her away more then the tvt now, steering on the tvt is very heavy compared to this yoke. some more, tvt this time sowing grass and the tg again eagerly awaiting my arrival
  13. well heres some more pics ive been taking over the last two weeks or so, i finished with this guy im working with yesterday and am heading to another guy further north tomorrow runing cases. have been doing a lot of sowing over the last while first few are of the tg and the roller drill, i had to use the tg for some of the higher fields where i was either drilling crop, mainly sweedes and kale. the rest of the time i was regrassing worked up fields
  14. very nice indeed when i worked in england they had pretty much that exact same operation on the go for the osr it was simba and all so cool
  15. hiya Datman im with Mathew Truebridge "Truebridge Contractors" very nice fella i have to say. do you know if there is other contractors around this area just out of interest? oi know of cole and clive Pritchard in taupo as i was talking to them about getting a job too but today i saw a fendt passing through turangi and this evening a big jd too far away to see what it was exactly but up to today i hadnt really seen any other tractors passing through besides on the farms that ive been on the soil here is a pomice one with very little top soil in some parts so have to be careful not to go too deep with those discs
  16. lovely tractor to drive handles the discs no bother all spool valves are idealy located and it also handles the power harrow away better then the tg as the tg is too light on the front for it even with weights on it, but the tvt hasnt even got weights so shed be some beast of a yoke all together if she had them, its def one of the nicest tractors ive ever driven havent really been drivin in cruise mode though cos the hard pullin gof the discs would be pretty extreme on the transmission, but some people wont ike this but the jd was a lovely yoke too except it had no water in hte tyres so traction wasnt great, id be hard pushed to pick between the two
  17. thanks sean ya when i saw some of the places my first thoughts were what did i land my self into as it was not the type of farmland i was after but all those hilly places are big sheep stations as there good for not much else most with over 25000 sheep all the work on those stations involves getting a summer crop into the ground for fattening the lambs but thats almost finished now and we are about to start a few big jobs on diary farms soon setting turnips and things like that and thats where ther good land is, moved my tractor into a new job today to start tomorrow its only to disc up about 20ha but the land is flat and like home so its a start, theres 3000 dairy cows on the farm and sean ul like this but hes a massey man thanks JP was using that on one of my very first days as the paddock was like scrapping a rock face it was unreal would have wrecked any other type of kit but the chain harrow was perfect for the job, incidently ive bearly come across a single stone except for that field ;D the second discing job i done my boss took me aside and told me to be careful cos the next job your going on is a little steep, it turns out it was an understatment and the land in question was so step it could only be sprayed by plane and they put fertilizer on it by helicopter to be honest i was shi@@in it at some parts, but ud be surprised how soon you get used to it....... after a few little scares the funny thing is i told my boss before i came over i was used to working on high ground, but my definition of high was a little different to his
  18. and if this went wrong there was no backing up
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