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Everything posted by civilpek

  1. great job and badly needed it looks fairly like the old chieftain low loader i think
  2. hey cape cod farmer u live any where the ice skating ring out there i think the name of the place the ring is in is hianais, sister twisted her ankel there on hols a while back was well funny
  3. start drueling every time i see the 3680 she is cool there was a 36 series ploughing near CIT today nearly decided to plod throgh the fields to have better lookat it
  4. masseys mainly http://www.grostracteurspassion.com/Accueil.htm'>http://www.grostracteurspassion.com/Accueil.htm home page is http://www.grostracteurspassion.com/ also check out the tractor fairs on this site
  5. heres another nice one looks like a 6700 2wd http://home2.scarlet.be/raphael/landen%202005/landen%20062.jpg
  6. is that some of your collection Civ P??? jes i wish there is some nice stuff there, but its some French guy or else a Belgium guy that owns it, wish the 6910 was mine, not sure what it converted from but the scale is 1/32 id say ;D ive been told by older and wiser men then myself always keep the wife happy so good thinking there fadinghairline on not usin elle mc,
  7. not a 6610 but a 6910 http://home2.scarlet.be/raphael/landen%202005/landen%20056.jpg
  8. hey Farmer P if it looks pretty similar to that and isnt way above my budget id also be interested in one
  9. ya your right new holland two the loader comes off in a matter of seconds for tractor work or if you want to use it as a loader the seat just swivels around and the steering wheel moves around to the cack using a very clever system remember when i got a demo of it once was only about 9 or 10 id say i was very impressed, the way all the controls are positioned on the seat means they are all easily reached no matter what position you have the seat and you dont get confused by things being the opposite way, theres also pedels on both side i.e facing forwards and facing the other forwards as far as i remember it
  10. hey tractorman they are beautiful first class, id cut off my sisters arm to have your skill na actually prob wouldnt be a good idea to cut her arm off the parents would kill me
  11. i no a guy with a few lees two are double axel 16 foots with flotation tyres on the very nice looking trailer his other are all single axel with flotations, had my first experience of drawing with a herron today hooked up to a valtra 8150 nice ol rig although i rather my kane any day
  12. hey tractor man would it be possible for you to post up some close up pictures of your mf 399 and 3670 if there finished when you get a chance cheers
  13. ya ive seen one alrite, had the pleasure for steering one around a field in circles when i was 8 or 9 years old still remember it
  14. Nathan if you could get that huge Candian tractor thats ment to compete with the big bud i dont think youd have any trouble at all with that trailer :o
  15. ha ha! Thats an understatement to say the least thigs might flare up ere in the hear future might be like a scene from basara, incidently the same contractor bought an O + k l25 loading shovel from a another contractor who went out of business. WAGONS I GUESS YOU EITHER LIKE THEM OR HATE THEM AND I FOR ONE HATE THEM
  16. a certain new contractor outside tralee started off last year with 3 wagons and was picking up grass all over the place especially considering his first year at it, the north kerry contractors are soppoused to be going mad cos they lost so much work and ive heard there will be serious under cutting of prices this year. the wagons are fairly fast alrite but there way bigger than an ordinary 18 ft trailer so small yards would be a nightmare to get around not to mind the amount of gates etc that will have to be knocked to get into fields and there also alot heavier so in a wet year the fields could be potentially destroyed and as far as i know the wagons were very popular in the north of Ireland a few years ago but it only lasted a short time before the sp was back
  17. era weve alot of tools ere need a big box for them
  18. i currently have one set of weights in a ford 8730 cab and the other in a mf 6180 cab using them as tool boxes, couldnt figure wat they were for.... do they even fit into the step on the back of the drill properly
  19. same ere, i once got a box with a mistake on it that was covered over with another sticker instead that said the correct version i forget what tractor it was now but im pretty sure it was one of the fords.... box is long gone any how
  20. great job dave ill def have a few orders coming your way fairly soon that will have to be included onto the list that i said i wouldnt put anything else onto.....
  21. ;D im afraid i dont really deal wit any bank due to lack of money to begin with! i was just using my own conversion technique for civilpek topia land obviously it is subject to some small margins of error i saw it for €90 on one of those dutch sites a while back that was boxed of course when i got mine it was in the ploughing match a few years ago forget what i paid for it not too much though
  22. ya ive seen them go for around €90 thats roughly the same as ?40
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