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Everything posted by AlexMF

  1. nice cabinets and collection (of course) i've got an A2 poster of your desktop background picture (shown in the last picture you posted) in my university room
  2. welcome welcome welcome! enjoy your (inevitably long) stay! alex
  3. i didn't know you had taxi's in the shire..... i'll join you... can't wait to meet holly nick
  4. went to see black rebel motorcycle club live at liverpool o2 academy. they were fully amazing. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150176208010591&saved that's my video of the end of the concert, wow. it was better than my birthday and christmas. read into that what you will!
  5. ive dropped you a pm mate, might have found you a nice one
  6. ill track one down and have it posted to you (yes you can post snails in the right conditions) marky boy
  7. i can probably lay my hands on one for you if you want marky..... live for like 10 years at best, probably a lot less though.... put him in a big enough tank he will exercise himself mate clean the tank out and give him some new compost every 2 weeks and it won't smell he was born in england actually marky! they walk at like 0.4mph so yeh haha....
  8. got these things called the Pennines that start in Scotland and go all the way down the middle of the country, (nearish to me in Liverpool too! saw no end of farming when I went on the trans Pennine express Liverpool-Leeds) and finish in the peak district in the good old Midlands
  9. not going, might go to burghley for cross country sunday though was a good day out last year....
  10. "and now for something completely different...." ralph a giant african land snail, just over a year old now, his shell fills the palm of my hand... eats cucumber and lettuce like no body's business....
  11. by which you mean mavis ? looking good! i prefer driving mavis to hattie....
  12. AlexMF

    Ziko's photo's

    how did i miss this glorious topic? Ziko, excellent photos mate! Keep them coming! alex
  13. heyyyy i recognise them! glad you posted them up nick!
  14. that'd be me and nick henton i beleive, if you sell white racing pigeons aswell?! glad you've made it over here! welcome to the mad house enjoy your stay! alex PS marky i believe thats 1-0 to goon as far as the recruitment drive goes! how about one of those fancy stickers with my name on next year?!
  15. hello hello hello and welcome! enjoy your stay! big love alex
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