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Everything posted by AlexMF

  1. little slice of Leicestershire that i like to call home....... apologies for missing the mowing and the baling action yesterday, JD rowing up... weird cube shaped bales will try and find some more stuff to photo for you lot....
  2. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270586029146&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT#ht_500wt_1154 bargain!
  3. cerin is there for the duration and sean is down tomorrow i believe!
  4. AlexMF

    mf implements

    MF SPFH http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.tractorpool.co.uk/media/1237/1261237/906048/Massey-Ferguson-5150-906048.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.tractorpool.co.uk/details/Selfpropelled-forage-harvesters/Massey-Ferguson-5150/1261237&usg=__JHUp8x5N4Ky7Vn2Q7Y9KnS9-cG8=&h=480&w=640&sz=53&hl=en&start=14&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=8v7pnxgNlKyWwM:&tbnh=103&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3DMassey%2BFerguson%2Bforage%2Bharvester%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1
  5. going to have to borrow the workshop first! needs restoring!
  6. i'm loving them too mate can't wait for nick to sort his new layout in the loft out so i can go for a play!
  7. close ups.... driver & bent but original exhaust genuine britains tyres, needs a grill sticker....maybe a muledozer attatchment piece britains mudguards and rear tyres needs a tow ball..... my little red tipper will look sweet towed by this cab has seen better days, to do list, new cab, muledozer chin, tow ball, grill sticker... perfect. alex
  8. well i've added another vintage britains massey to the fold! such a bargain, £26 posted all because the seller forgot to write "135" in the listing title! a genuine 1 owner un restored MF135, with cab! fleet photo
  9. hi Ed and welcome! I like vintage britains too, but mostly MF ones
  10. i had a blue small tipping trailer and swapped it for the red one Bill. As i like red equipment:P
  11. probably the fact i am showing it at a national car show! rain rain go away! i've got a job when it's sunny! can't do dust suppression when there's no dust! aaaargh
  12. bought £15 worth of autoglym from an ebay member on 15/5/10 arrived at my postal address 6/6/10 to no autoglym, he's even left me positive feedback! paypal dispute on him!
  13. if you ever display your 70s diorama at a show i attend i would be happy to lend you a couple of mine, glad you like it!
  14. 135 is in the capable hands of royal fail as we speak (i hope) mf 4 wheel trailer and 760 are on the list.... i do love vintage britains, especially vintage britains MFs
  15. oh right well i'll go on the job seekers then robbo, am i 21st century enough for you now?!
  16. if you ignore the fact that the colour isn't MF red, and it looks like it's been on pimp my ride, with all that chrome, i don't have weights in mine, it just doesn't feel right.....
  17. got it when i was 3, so mine is very much unboxed! i am afraid!
  18. and a place to kip and you've got a deal
  19. And now for something completely different:
  20. Sankey trailer, for plant hire/ bales Little tipping trailer Forage harvester Claas Jaguar 690 Landy
  21. Buckrake 3f Plough for that ploughing competition that never happened Trailed disc harrow and roller combo Vicon fert spreader, complete apart from yellow handle.... Link box Post hole driller. Complete but missing jewel
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