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  1. I went to all of the pictured places in November on a school trip, it is truly incredible-I found it very touching.
  2. A JCB 130 or 140 tracked digger with a bucket set, Richard western silage/grain trailers and a JCB 434
  3. Will, please could you pm me with where you got the Richard Western sf12 on page 2. thanks
  4. I spread fertiliser on a friends asparagus (the quad is the perfect width for the rows), also I weed spray it and game cover on our shoot. we have chain harrows and a roller to roll/harrow seed in. (we use a stocks fan jet spreader and a north star sprayer which has a 12 ft boom) we find use for ours all year round and i would say there great.
  5. yes, I'm quite new to the vintage tractor world so i don't really know much about them at the moment. not sure if there are any in my area (wiltshire) though.
  6. hi all, does anyone know where i can get a Ferguson plough furrow as i was given a plough on Saturday that has a missing furrow.
  7. I was GIVEN a ferguson plough! its missing a mouldboard though any ideas where to get one?
  8. thanks for that i think i have found engine number now and a serial plaque off of ebay to put a serial number now.
  9. thanks tim i will have a look when its back from the other workshop where the starter motor is being replaced. bill, I plan to take it to local steam fairs and ploughing matches after its restoration. but i guess that without a serial number it would never be a show winner?
  10. thanks, the man we brought it from had it advertised as a TEA20 Petrol. its not a tvo just petrol on its own.bill, there is no plate above the steering wheel either but i will try the links and see what i can find out. hanks for your help.
  11. i have a ferguson tea20 and i was just wondering whether or not there is anyone that could find out the serial number by using chassis/engine numbers?
  12. lucky, we have 3 fully grown aylesbury but the females never go broody so i got an incubator. I'm keeping this one but the next ones will be sold.
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