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Posts posted by jdc

  1. As above.....even 50kg bags are hard to come by nowadays. I have some left if you pay the postage!!! :)

    I grow seed from 'C1' - first generation seed which is kept very clean weed wise, inspected twice, harvested as per normal but segregated from any possible contamination, dried at a low temperature to preserve germination (normally around 98% or more) and stored until the merchant needs it.

    He dresses it and treats it with a variety of seed dressings - normal fungicide, deluxe fungicide, insecticide, manganese etc. bags it up labels it with a batch number and sells it as C2 second generation.

    I grow C1 for myself and get a mobile dresser in as below.


  2. Typical - any antique machinery, jdc will know about it!  :D

    I don't know why they didn't catch on as they were quite good at giving a certain amount of subsoiling whilst breaking up the surface and partially mixing the trash, without bringing up subsoil. In fact I think the idea was to leave the trash on top. They did have a high HP requirement and metal wore relatively quickly.

    Maybe they were introduced at the wrong time when the first round of min-till in late 60s early 70s was proving to be problematical with the equipment/herbicides/drills available at the time.

    Nice restoration job for you Marcus  ;D

  3. The McHale has been very good, over ten years it must've done 1,000s of bales and never been any problem. It has 2 KV tines inside the rollers so it can be used for other things as well. The clamp type grabs for vertical stacking seem to be in fashion here at the moment......

  4. John,

    I like the French Cub it looks in good original condition. Was that taken at your local show yesterday that I said I might come come down to?. If it was I wish I had since I'm missing an air clearner top and I might have been able to get dimensions of that one in order to try making one or fabricate a look a like for someone to make in metal. I didn't get to the show I intended on Saturday since it poured rain alll down. It cleared up by lunchtime on Sunday so I went across to Stonehaven but it was only for cars buses and motorcycles on the Sunday.

    On the M that must be a diesel engine that was put in. The chrome exhaust stack doesn't look right for that tractor otherwise nice.

    I was the one at Paxton and turned out to be a good day.The cub was just imported and he hadn't started on it yet....I could PM you the owners name as you may know him, he has around 30 tractors now...

    The Nuffield is a 1950, so must've been registered later.

    The XA reg. is cropping up frequently so I assume it is as I didn't register it.

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