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Everything posted by modelfarmer2010

  1. Slurry time in a few days. Boys getting ready for road.
  2. Not much free time over last few weeks for palour making so looking at adding few more machines to the farm. Could someone tell me where I could find a john Deere 4050 or one similar?? Thanks
  3. There is a saying around here ..wheres there is s##t there is money..no end to the spending on this farm the farmer has got alot of money from insurance jobs over the year..got them tractors in from the uk using AN post new AddressPal ..they gave me a address in the uk for posting to so can buy items that only post to uk only and can get things now with free p&p to uk only too..still cant use iphone to write reply so out with laptop again
  4. got these tractors today to add to the farm,no shortage of money with this farmer,cant write anything with phone for some reason
  5. more soldering done starting to look like a palour now
  6. I work with timber from morning to evening so soldering was a change in the evenings. Once things are clamped together or held in place them it's not too bad. I use a small gas torch for soldering great heat for fast soldering.
  7. I started using a new postage method for buying things in England..An Post have brought out a new way with (Adddress Pal An Post) once registered with them they give you a uk address so I could buy things that have free p&p to uk. When parcel arrived at post office in Ireland I paid a €3.50 pick up fee so instead of me paying 8 sterling for postage for a iteam I went with the free p&p to uk address and picked up box for €3.50. I tried to link the website but couldn't maybe somebody else could
  8. Thanks for the pictures is it mostly made of timber?
  9. Thanks. I'm Looking for other model palours to see what other people used for all the little parts etc. must give a look back over yours around what page should I look for it??? Putting in a Dairy Master Rapid Exit palour with I think it's 28/30 cows each side we'll see what fits
  10. Started on the palour today. First side soldered up a lot more to do
  11. West Limerick. Thanks, BOB has a lot of damage to do yet.
  12. Copper wire stripped and ready for cuttin up and soldering for palour
  13. Busy few days on farm with cows calving so farmer said this morning he'd take the day off sure the only job left to do was feed the cows.... So he told BOB throw silage in the feeder and feed the cows he couldn't get that wrong
  14. Farmer wants one of these as soon as they are released
  15. While the farmer counts how many cattle were killed in the accident it's time to start the palour. Got base base for palour cut and cut out pit.
  16. Well the farmer let BOB try his plan B sure it couldn't get any worse or could it.... BOB brought in the jcb and got one of the boys to lift him up to unbolt the pillar the only thing he forgot what would happen after taking out the bolts
  17. It's a plan B for removing pillars then it would have been cheaper to get back the shed builders.
  18. only thing is he put the rope around the front axel.... Will the insurance cover this for the poor farmer
  19. BOB said I'll do this job no bother at all. Sure all he is has to do is put the rope onto the tractor and onto the shed very easy
  20. Farmer said he'll leave the job of removing the pillars to BOB so he told him put away that chainsaw he could kill more cattle with it.
  21. He has a different method for the job with results that have never been seen before on the farm
  22. That's just a bull calf in the background the farmer has no interest in bull calves just let's them wander around the place
  23. Farmer has just realised that there is a few pillars inside the middle of the new palour and they must go...will he get back the shed building guys but the cost of them or will he use one of his own boys to take/pull/knock them down ....????
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