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Everything posted by modelfarmer2010

  1. Got first lot of slats made this evening for the dairy part of shed..made these a different way to last lot of slats..i used a piece of 3mm mdf and cut slots in it with my saw..quick way of making them..few more to make at wkend and weather them after that http:// http:// http://
  2. thanks very much...its starting to look like a real shed now..here's a photo from few years ago of the cattle shed i'm replacing think they will have more room this winter
  3. thanks matthew..a lot of time alright but getting there now
  4. Thanks..i think i'll take out the middle brace again it just didn't look right..one at each end will do fine for this shed
  5. Waiting to get more copper to finish cublicles so i said i better put few braces on the roof..i only had enough dowel to put one in every 2nd bay..will that be enough or are they put in every bay in sheds? http:// http:// http:// SHOULD I PUT THEM IN EVERY BAY? ?
  6. It can't be the farm yard cause its spotless..think they had their dinner down the pub.....
  7. yes indeed..Don't know how the farmer didn't figure it out before now a shepherd on a dairy farm hasn't he enough workers to pay
  8. The story about who stole the farmers cattle came to a end this morning when everybody spotted the new car in the yard...everybody gathered around to see who's driving it ........... http:// Ah yes who else could it be only the shepherd ..what else would a shepherd be doing on a dairy farm only stealin cattle..the farmers mother held her pitchfork close to a area of the shepherd so he wouldn't move while bob held his chainsaw to the lamb... http:// The Garda jeep arrived after they had their dinner http:// No lambs or shepherd was harmed ....but where are the rest of the cattle??
  9. yes less than a min if I could only get a few free min to finish them off....must keep going at it and finish it off i've another 3ft to add on to this shed
  10. less than a minute to bend one and cut to length..i spray paint them altogether on a board so whole lot done in a hour
  11. Few photos of how i make up my own cublicles from copper..i just cut the shape i needed in a piece of timber and put it into the vice.. http:// http:// http:// hope this might help somebody..i'll answer any questions i can..must get back making few more only another 37 to go..
  12. Timbers on roof so back to the work on the inside..i wasn't going to put any wall down the middle of shed but changed my mind so the wall goes in and a row of single cublicles at each side of the wall and thats room for another 40 cows..the board i'm using looks high and would be a big step up for the cows but i will be putting down another board around the grey board done out in a design of slats..few photos http:// http:// http:// no sign of the new family yet..they might do something at the wkend
  13. thanks..i was half thinking of making brackets outa angle plastruct so they would be like real brackets but i'm trying to stay away from plastruct and use mainly timber and copper for the whole build...
  14. Few photo's of the timbers fixed onto the back wall of the shed with brackets and bolts http:// http:// http://
  15. Got all the brackets put on the roof timbers..i cut up some tape into squares and put a dot of silver paint on each one to give the look of a bolt from a distance... http:// http:// Might not be putting a roof on this building and the brackets stand out from a distance and look nice http://
  16. thanks..the lagoon will have to be moved when i'm putting shed in place in few wks time but it will still be at one end of the shed for the scraping out
  17. Thanks...now you are putting the new folks under pressure to do something but that shouldn't take them long seeing they had to leave (removed) from their last farm cause it burnt down...
  18. Bought 2nd hand feeder at show at wkend so had to try it out and see what it looks like..needs some weathering and pipes etc. added to it http:// http:// Bought few more figures too for the farm..so starting off from left to right ..farmers mother kate..famers father john tom..farmer himself..farmers wife mary..farmers brother in law john paul ( bobs brother) and last one is bob himself http://
  19. With the big storm on the way tonight with winds of up to 80mph coming and heavy rain the farmer said he better put all his dairy herd into his unfinished cattle shed..he can't afford to lose any more.. http:// Nearly all in now before st Jude hits later http://
  20. Getting timbers put on the roof this weekend and only few more to do..i don't use all short lenghts for it just one long lenght 900mm long...only 3 more to glue on http:// Along the lenght of timbers i put a saw cut on the timber to give the look that they are all short lenghts... http:// I've started putting on small squares of red tape to give the look of brackets for holding on the timber http://
  21. Farmer rang the Garda boys (cops) and told them he found some of his cattle without any help from them...The cops said they would be on straight away to the field so the farmer told them to bring on his cattle trailer when they coming...sure he pays enough tax to pay their wage so why not give them the job hauling them back to the farm http:// 2nd load of cattle back and the farmer is kinda happy so they all head in for a mug of tea and a few sandwiches http:// Thanks for all the Likes and like away if you havin a laugh from this....Ah go on and click like..thanks again
  22. thanks paul..i'm goin to try and keep it going for as long as i can
  23. Tractor dropped off and the boys stayed off the main roads and kept to the country roads on their trip due to no insurance or tax on their new 7810..its in the post....Bob couldn't stick the smell from the egg sandwiches anymore so stayed on trailer on the way back and what did he see in a field........................... http:// Thats right 8 of the farmers cattle with no ear tag and blood comin from the ears where they were removed http:// They never saw the farmer jump so quick off the tractor and run into field to look at them http://
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