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Everything posted by NCC

  1. Has your JD chopper lost it's chopping capability ??? Looks good chap, can't beat the Krampe Tridems and Silospaces ;D
  2. Your telling me, them trailers need some pulling in soggy maize fields and hills ;)
  3. Smart pics Martin, the TM's got solid rims and rather American looking tyres hasn't it Mart, do you know why ???
  4. For sure Martin, I did have my phone cam but couldn't really get it out in time. I do know where the farm it comes from is, though ;) ;D
  5. A BIG Simba Solo train consiting of Simba Solo 450 and a Simba X press being pulled by a JD 9420T just of the A6, it was fookin massive :o ;D
  6. Ceeeerrraaazzzyyyyy :D :D What are you trying to replicate then a PW cultivator or one from a big fat wrestler ;)
  7. NCC

    JD for Ricky

    You can get it pretty close though :o
  8. Well done Sean mate and everyone else and thanks to Alan and everyone who voted for me, you must be off your head :D :D ;) Silage next ;D ;D
  9. Eh up, I've got one of them blue flatbed trailers up here, bought it off ebay :o Look FP folding zig zag harrows ;D ;)
  10. We've got 2 Big M's crawling around Derbyhsire but thats it really \ \ ;D
  11. I'm having a JCB if I can find one cheap enough ;)
  12. I wish. It's a teleram 40 at the moment, but it will be swapped in later this year for something a bit more modern like a Matbro TR, JCB TM or Manitou MLA ;)
  13. NCC

    County Seahorse

    Speaking of steam powered tractors :D :D :
  14. Here Big snoopy, come on snoopy :P Top model there Dave, expect a big order from me soon ;)
  15. NCC

    NCC's tractor

    Until you fall over and chip one or worse still break it off. I remember when I banged my head on the school playground, couldn't p:ss for weeks :'( :'( :'(
  16. NCC

    NCC's tractor

    Your one of the lads who ran after the girls in the school playground with there hand down the trousers and there finger poking out of there fly shouting wwoooooooooo weren't ya Marky \ \ :
  17. NCC

    NCC's tractor

    :D :D I hope he pointed it out with his finger \ \ :o
  18. NCC

    NCC's tractor

    Rock on, that would look smart carting silage ;D . Now I own Coop tractors, Coop supermarkets and NC trailers, theres no stopping me : :D I hope Marky p:ssed on that bag of crap :D :D ;)
  19. Pink, you didn't say you could do one in pink Jason :o Looks like me and Mrs P have something in common ;D
  20. Leave Sidney alone, best ratting dog around, also been known to kill other things too ;) Not a bad wee tractor no Tris, would be ideal with a loader on with it's compact design I think. This is hooked on to Dowdeswell 4 furrow too and Alan (the owner) says it walks away with it even on his hilly ground. It also handles all of his grain carting duties with 2 12 ton baileys and it's pretty good at that too. Only thing he says would make it better is it having a Turbo instead of being a straight six. I tend to agree with him too, it didn't like steep hills much \ ;)
  21. Not much I don't think, shes had a hard life so maybe a couple of k \ \
  22. Cheers Jason, everything but a 840 ???
  23. Holy sh!t, now thats a model :o :o Is that one mine ;D :
  24. I take it my PM didn't reach you then, I got that SMF server problem page after I clicked send, so thats what probably did it \ \ \ Another one is on it's way ;)
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