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Everything posted by NCC

  1. Excellent Sean, I wouldn't mind a 3070 whenever you make some more ;)
  2. Will that be when pigs are flying :D ;)
  3. How do you do Mrs P ;) :) Made a beauty there Sean, that and your 3070 would look spot on at NC Farms ;D ;)
  4. NCC

    Ploughing at NCC's

    I can't remember inviting you Phill, go on, get out :D *
  5. NCC

    Ploughing at NCC's

    ;D ;D Carry on MFF and FB :D
  6. NCC

    Ploughing at NCC's

    You'll have some then ;D
  7. NCC

    Ploughing at NCC's

    Afraid so chap, couldn't give a decent reply to that post : ;)
  8. NCC

    Ploughing at NCC's

    No smart comment there Luke, is one lost for words :D :D ;)
  9. Good work Oli, would make a good drag for a hay/straw truck wouldn't it ??? ;)
  10. Slurry and muck is much better injected that sat on top of the field, you lose alot of the Nutrients, Nitrogen etc from surface run off, evaporation and the likes. Where as injecting gets it straight to the roots were it needs to be ;)
  11. :P :P Excellent work Jason, blumen excellent :o :o Will it be ready for this years 1/32 vining peas ???
  12. NCC

    Ploughing at NCC's

    Nope, I won't deny it. I quite like the bigger 6020 series, often have a go on my mates 6920 and Quicke 980 when bale carting comes and it's quite nice to drive and sounds sweet. Doesn't stop the smaller 6020 series sounding like souped up Nova's though and having worse ride comfort than a TE20. Remember all you JD lovers, yes Luke and Ricky that JD also created this, at least Massey don't mess around the rif raf:
  13. Tell me about it, she broke all the springs in my matress too :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( Sunny here but theres some big grey clouds lurking about \ \ \
  14. I'll be up around 2.30am Mike, so be ready to load me up. The trailers got rear axle steering so 25 acres should do hopefully, if not get your boom under the back of the trailer and lift me round ;D :D :
  15. NCC

    Ploughing at NCC's

    Isn't he just fp, I keep reminding my self his main tractor is a Ford 6640 :o :D :D
  16. Put me down for one then Paul ;) Excellent idea and work there Benny, looks superb on that Deutz ;) :)
  17. I'll be up with Super Marston and the harvesting crew too Mart ;D ;D I'll show you how it's done, NCC Stylee :D
  18. A smack in the snoring box soon shut him up though, I can't type what he said to me though as I couldn't understand one word of it : :D
  19. NCC

    Ploughing at NCC's

    I've just wet myself from laughing so much, you can only do 6-8mph in a JD when it's being pulled by a Massey : :D
  20. So you were the chap laughing at me while trying to sell me some Tarmac for the farm drive ??? Totty tree pounds you kept saying, totty tree pounds :D :D
  21. Nothing the big fat fooker bit it off before I could even switch the light off >
  22. I'm watching Charlie and Lola at the moment. Those Tweenie videos where terrible qulaity, you must of watched em god knows how many times before sending them up here. Theres a hippopotamus in my bed and I think theres one in yours :D :D Sun has all but vanished now behind a big gloom cloud \ \ \
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