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Everything posted by NCC

  1. Oh go on FP, I'll tell you how much my dinner suit cost :D :D :
  2. Theres nowt there any good FP, went on Saturday :D :D
  3. Just wanted to see what it looks like. There may be an order at the end of it ;)
  4. Looking smart FP. You know what my next sentence would be, so I'm not going to even say it :D :D ;)
  5. That Big 8430 looks smart, will have to get an order in with DT ;D ;D
  6. Nice one Paul, we knew you'd pull through for us in the end :D ;)
  7. Don't know, I could of swore it was strike it rich \ \ \
  8. Option number 3 for me TM ;) Michael Barrymore's strike it rich ;)
  9. I wouldn't mind one FB :D Looks a great model, I prefer that to the Cougar to be honest :)
  10. Hang around with the Mrs for a while and learn the infamous art of Multi-tasking ;) ;)
  11. ;D ;D It's a pea harvester, how can one refuse. PMC or FMC would of been better though ;) When do we get the high-lift trailers FP ???
  12. Rather uncalled for again, you just wait. I dare say you could cut grass with a Big X's maize header too, all be it not very much but it would still cut it none the less ;) :
  13. I can feel it in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord : :D Aye Martin, bring down the CD we'll have a reet good sing along :D :D After I've had about 10 pints of Carling :D :
  14. How can I just let you walk away............... :D :D
  15. Put some Phil Collins on Mark, might send her off to sleep :D :D
  16. This is the only place I know that does them http://www.cimodels.co.uk/ ;) :)
  17. Looking good FP, will have to get some of Markys boxes before he loses his fingers on the bandsaw :D ;) Last pic is very good too ;)
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