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Everything posted by gogreengelb

  1. Well I got moved at last but its going to be a while before I get round to building Fen End Farm up again.Got an idea about putting something outside so took a few pics of us drilling new grassland to see what they turn out like
  2. and sometimes just sometimes it rains
  3. Dont see these being used much nowadays
  4. Ands heres a pic of the surrounding country side,a bit boring some might say but me, I love it.Best thing is you can see who,s coming to visit you an hour before they arrive
  5. here,s a pic that might be of interest to some
  6. Goody goody my fav model farmer is back to posting those wonderfull pictures. Hope you are feeling a whole lot better Old Ford GGG
  7. gogreengelb

    Disc harrows

    The trailed versions take a bit of pulling Ben and it depends a lot on soil type I think only big farms on light soil would use wide ones
  8. Really nice pics Richard enjoyed looking at them so much.As with the grumpy Farmers I suppose due to the weather this year we will be meeting a lot of them.Do you like me find you get a more friendly reception from the the farmers here in Germny
  9. Well we are still sitting here in Hannover waiting for the starting gun to go bang.these German solicitors really take their time
  10. Hi Andy. Small world my wife was there also, she went along to see the small racing car her son at built last year while at Bath Uni.Perkins had helped sponsor their project Brian
  11. Ha,I lived lived in Sutton Bridge for a few years
  12. Well Toy Farmer I dont mind telling ya what I think.I think that is cracking mate, super, and I like the nissanhut at the side.Have you got a pic of just the nissanhut, how many of them have I seen around your neck of the woods,Hundreds. GGG
  13. Well Fen End Farm is on the move 180 km up the road from Hannover to a little village near Bremerhaven. Hav,nt been doing much to the farm lately because of this expected move but the time is almost here and in a couple of months when we get settled in there will a new Farm built in a room much much BIGGER GGG
  14. Hi Old Ford,I must hav missed something here, You been unwell or something,if so,get well soon,bet you cant wait to get up there can ya GGG
  15. Hi Andy should be good for the tates and will swell the corn nicely but I bet it is a bet wet under foot for any work that needs to be done at presant,Must be about time to start Bulb Lifting around your wayBrian
  16. Mostly caused on peat fens by shrinkage.Take a look sometime on the web about Whittlesee Meer the shrinkage there is unbelievable 20 odd foot or so.As for the roads take a drive across from Peterboro to Ely staying on the small country roads that dont receive to much maintainence Its like driving across a camels back
  17. The Fens are the low lying sections of land on the east coast that cover an area that stretches from just south of Lincoln to just north of Cambridge.Much of it being below sea level.Like Marky said drained by the Dutch, hence the name for the area of Lincolnshire around Boston and Spalding called Holland.The reason the M11 stops just north of Cambridge is because the Land is so fertile that its price would never allow compulsary purchase
  18. Paint it dark green and those left on bits would look just like moss
  19. Lady Farmer you should get a really BIG NUMPTY for that.Fendt 626,s name is Andreas
  20. Na I see you are slowly coming round then Lady Farmer
  21. Ya not wrong there Spud you did take some pretty nice pics Looks like a very model
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