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pistol pete

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Everything posted by pistol pete

  1. That last photo looks like it is from a real farm well smart mate
  2. very nice mate tey would look good on the entrance to a field. double gates i think
  3. thanks mate will try and post some up todate pics later
  4. I have on mine 6910 just finishing of and some more tattie boxes being built.
  5. your display looks great love the tractors on it. must admit love the 78 nice looking tractor
  6. 2040s that was the sprayer tractor on the farm i worked full time on. used it to cart tatties a few times good hard little tractors.
  7. yep i don't know why I put that but you are correct.
  8. see the price of wheat has come down ours are all in storage bins till price pics up.
  9. that 3040 is a nice tractor but as you say you needed to upgrade. the way the weather is going a 4 wheel drive tractor is a handy bit of kit. only thing is getting one with low hours.
  10. cheers jez glad that you like it mate have done a bit more to it will post some pics tonight.
  11. any more pics of the 2 wheel drive deere
  12. first ones were solid now the hole thing is slatted. am going to make another one tommorrow the thinest wood i can get is 3mmx 8mm so a bit large but still looks bettter than the solid ones although the solid ones are easier to make.
  13. love the 2850 even with the cheaper cab how much did it go for
  14. ye wood doesn't stay clean long on a working farm. most wooden ladders were always varnished when they were finished to seal the wood to help keep the water out. made a box to those sizes yestarday looks better on the trailer but still isnt as good as yours.
  15. ye i would do the ladder as well mate will give it that been around for a few years look
  16. got all the fields ploughed yet martin
  17. nice looking machine are you going to fit a front hitch mate
  18. mate looking good. made some at work today. put them on the trailer and they look to high but think its the trailer.go without the brace in them mate.
  19. cheers mate will start the project when i get the lenght from you.
  20. was just wondering if anybody has a john deere 6600 or 6610 that they could measure the bonnet for me so i can start my new project
  21. It will be a coke for me as i have that drive home don't fancy getting pulled by the boys in blue
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