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Everything posted by graham

  1. it looks great johndeere matty you keep going the back of your silage clamp looks spot on ;) ;) you have done a great job
  2. how far have you got ben have you any pics would like to see
  3. hi ben yes mate it is all glued i used BBQ kebab skewers and just sprayed them up i always use mitre mate glue with the activator bostik one it does not dry white then i use wood pva glue hope this helps
  4. thanks to you all going to try and put some scatter on the roof of the house to look like the moss that grows on them and have got to put some lead round chimmney stacks and valleys , i did some tote bags with seed corn marcus as well but may well do some with cattle feed in glad you like it old ford i do not know if scaffold is up to h&s standard ;D the box nick is an italeri kit mate 1/35 scale it would look about the size that would fit on the back of a transit mate
  5. This is the inside of the calf house which use to be the old stables. Grandfarther put the horse collar on the wall and that's where it has stayed. Also you will see farthers trilby there.
  6. Farther was moaning that his trailer sheet was all wet so he has hung it up to dry and that it will keep the rain off the header. He had a brainwave and he went and bought an old Spar fridge box, he was going to make cream and youghurt. But now the Spar fridge box is a junk hole. The old spreader, the draw bar broke and the wheel fell off and that's where it has been left, he keeps saying that he is going to clear it up.
  7. Got round to making Frogshole Farmhouse, still got quite a bit more to do but here is the start of it. The bricklayer has made a start putting the front wall back after the milk tanker knocked it over. When the builder has finished here, there is a bit of work to do on the roof round the back of the house, I had to have a scaffold put up
  8. very nice tris proper job you have done on that looks the nuts well done fella ;)
  9. very nice some area there covered lot of work to get that far and a lot of kit two all those bales ??? nice links two texas great ;)
  10. i done a couple of ropes you can just see them chucked on the front of the baler in frogshole farm i will do some more pics for you ,i used some thread from local sewing shop if you pluck up courage to go in one look at the buttons make great wheels for hayracks and the likes they do some nice ones i have found some like small tools always worth looking \ \ \
  11. it is 6ft x 8ft mike there is not much room for feilds ???
  12. well thanks marcus and mark i feel honoured mark by your comment many thanks ;) ;)another couple of months should see it done \ \ \ \
  13. Got a bit of fencing to do and her is just an overall shot of Frogshole. We are off for a week to Derbyshire tommorrow, staying on a Dairy farm. Hopefully get some pics. Sharon says she's glad so that we can get away from the modelling. :)
  14. Just done some more bits in the parlour. Made some more bales and I have made a pole barn to store them in.
  15. cracking models mate your dad has a lot of craftmanship very nice : : :P
  16. you got some nice kit to work with tris looks fun to me enjoy enjoy nice pics two ;)
  17. nice buys spud farm is coming on a treat twonice job ;)
  18. cracking job of trailer just in time for silage bales ;) and your backdrop you must be pleased with that that looks very good cj :P
  19. looks the part marcus and the pics very nice ;)
  20. that is a forest mark good on you ;)
  21. many thanks for your comments its great to read . myself i think the cab on the 135 might be a little to high but there it isnot sure ??? \
  22. My yard scraping tractor i wanted a flexi cab on so I have had a go.
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