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Everything posted by graham

  1. Just finished this grainstore. I thought I would post some pics.
  2. very nice sean some nice original kit like them all and the tractors :o :o :P
  3. what a torment this is waiting :o :o :o lovely stuff get that cherry red in them tractors ;)
  4. many thanks to you all no secrets tris all the bits and pieces i think make it it is just finding themthe belts came with a cammara set may be dodgy spelling
  5. The local dealer could not supply one of these so we went to Ireland, very nice tool too. This will make the old massey smoke.
  6. Made some pigeon hole shelving for the workshop.
  7. looks good to me jdm save on straw two with them slats ;)
  8. thanks mike and donald i personally think that wouldnt be enough call for these buildings to keep me in full time employment . nice to receive all the comments and feedback many thanks
  9. very nice tris look forward to seeing the smallclaas trick ;)
  10. thank you one and all it will all be at toytrac tris the tables are booked and the hotel rooms looking forward to it to and meeting up with you all ;)
  11. are the fujima the ones like old ford has on his set up
  12. ok ben what bits do you want done
  13. send them down or when you are passing by ben what sets have you got fella ;) i will do them for you might be a bit of a wait thou
  14. last two pics. Just a couple of overall shots.
  15. Have been doing bits and pieces in the workshop and here are some pics.
  16. nice site well done to all that has been involed with it ;)
  17. looking well tris what sort of glue do you use for your plastic tris will we see this at toytrac fella
  18. very good jdm look forward to today s pics :)
  19. The little green wellies, everybody that has a Britains Quad bike rider has them. I'm afraid i amputated them off the bottom of his legs Mandy. And there is a set of black ones on the door mat at the front of the house, I cut them off of the ladies that you sent me. The buckets I have put in the calf pens. The flowers are from a railway model shop made by Busch of Germany. They ae just strips of what looks like foam and they have got some kind of sprinkly effect on top.
  20. This gardenening lark is never ending. :D
  21. I have been busy in the garden to-day. Here are a few pics.
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