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Everything posted by graham

  1. Done a few more bits and pieces for Frogshole Farm. Got two back brushes for the cows to have a scratch in the yards. I have got a new auger putting some oats up into the loft ready for rolling.
  2. nice stephen nice bit of room for you mate and a great collection . when you going to put more pics of the farm up matewith them cows in ;)
  3. lovely pics pr happy days .where abouts are you power rabbit
  4. thanks to you scott i have done many britains figures know mate , i made the chainsaw mdford and made the britains man to hold the saw give a lumber jack shirt and chainsaw trousers
  5. Whenever you are down this way pop in Ben, and anyone else that would like to have a look.,
  6. Don't know where the squirrel is going to go when they cut the stock down with his dray in, the stag came to have a look to see what all the noise was. :)
  7. It is a very busy time at frogshole at the moment. Forestry contractors turned up to-day to start cutting chestnut coppice. They have got themselves a nice fire going and cut one stock down at the moment. Crane is just going to move them to give them a bit of room. ;)
  8. well done nathen that looks the part can remember a lot of the first 6 clyinder jd s as a boy all had the duncan cab or the fritzmer one fitted sorry about spelling ;)
  9. well thank s to you all ;)nice to read your comments
  10. sorry fellas i answered in wrong place me thinks \ \ \ \ but very good garrett
  11. very nice sean that will be handy around ash tree farm ;)
  12. garrett what a loyely set of pics just amazed :P :P :P
  13. Very nice MGU, happy days there, cracking farm you have got and machinery too. :)
  14. Got the Ewes's in to-day for shearing a New Zealander came to shear them. Quickly put up the pen for him, he rolls his own wool and puts it in the sacks, he is leaving the rams till last, could have done with a bit more sun on their backs to-day, make that oil flow, get the jackets off easier. He is running the shearing head off a generator
  15. yours will be mounted thou gav will it i see some on the taarup site that are mounted mine if you look has not got pto got to get one of them somewhere look forward to seeing it when you have made one
  16. you crack on boys that will be the only one i do i am afraid what one will you do gav i thought i had seen a pic on here of a teagle mounted one that someone had made i have an idea it is the fella that made tris barriers and post rammer but i may be wrong ???
  17. well thanks to you all i have got a bit slap dash with the glue in a place or two and the spout was ment to move but it is fixed know tris but i was ok with that
  18. thanks mark and tmi90 i will stick to the buildings fellas i just wanted one so had a go i was pleased with it and the feedback you get from everbody is just great many thanks :)
  19. thanks scott and everybody else the gates jez are held up with farmers bracket no farm runs without it
  20. yes mate just cut some wood to the size of the bale chamber of your big baler sean and then do like i did if you want that effect \ \
  21. you and them bales nicky boy but many thanks :o
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