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Everything posted by CJ

  1. ahh i see that now well done there, i need to try somthing like that now
  2. well carted in straw bales this morn baled last night now have an assingment to do on factors affecting lamb output will try and do an hour or two and then need to take hay out to all the ewes and some heifers and finish putting a blowing pipe on a meal bin
  3. nice simon i like the cab can you explain how and what you have done please also are you going to glaze the cab again or just leave it and have you done any detailing to the interior ? cheers
  4. yes i was in the first claas of the same course blake is on was there full time from 04 - 06 with year out in the middle do a part time HNC ag course now
  5. thats how far it is from me
  6. not bad progress since sunday mr marshall wont take long now to get finished up
  7. looking good simon, i like what you did with the cab might have to borrow that idea soon for some thing classic
  8. get a pair of pliars and bend the lemken hitch in a bit thats what i do
  9. thanks for the kind words fellas its amazing to see that a stand and a few hoses adds so much i really like this my self too
  10. this was JC did the single axle convo i added the wee details
  11. hi pete sorry was away most of the weekend i took the lenght from the rubber seal at the cab ruuing along the top sticker at 68.5 inches hope that helps
  12. if i remeber tomorrow i will pete
  13. well this isnt easy i understand that people paying for advertiseing want there moneys worth but these folk are in a business and are usually selling standard stuff which is quite difficult, but if i had made say 2 john deere 8330's and put up a pic of them then dose that mean im selling and my post needs to be removed but what then if sombody pm's me and makes me a good offer for one or more of then is that allowed ? now this is a nice website to visit and i love coming on and seeing what new convo's people have made but i think it is a bit drastic to have to change a topic's name and or delete it after all it is extremly popular and one i visit quite often. i understand we need guidelines regarding certian things but i dont want to have too many that i need to write them down to make sure i remember them, and also i know most of the time i post up picsis to get feed back to see if the model is accurate and too see if fellow members think it is good enough thats my 2 cents but maybe i missed most of the subject matter but all i want is a place to share my models and see others
  14. Absoulutly magical graham it is a real credit to your skills, but there is one problem .................. you have to beat it for next year and i might just be there to see it :D Now Mr Ferguson topic number three please im starting to rock back and fourth in my set :D
  15. yeah it really could have been made better at the britians end but we can improve on it it just annoys me still that the claas axion rear wheels still catch even with all the grinding and the wheels set out as wide as i want them cheers cowboy
  16. nice plough, what happened the beacons on the claas?
  17. you going to build scrabo tower your self then pete but you would need a bit of a hill first
  18. thanks again lads blocks from PDC and wafer's from ricky mate cheers pete whos this fella then ?
  19. thanks all youre right i wondered why the standard model had the rear wheels set so wide now i know bad desgin but the rest of the model is quite good. cheers noel they do beef it up a bit
  20. also showed this 7530 before but now it is a 7430 with a few more peices added <img src="http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s317/hall_6610/19102008495.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br> <img src="http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s317/hall_6610/19102008496.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br> All three together <img src="http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s317/hall_6610/19102008497.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br> and started this 6920 and quicke loader a while ago cut the front chassis down to accomodate the new wafer weights as well <img src="http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s317/hall_6610/19102008499.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br> <img src="http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s317/hall_6610/19102008500.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br>
  21. hi have been tinkering with these for a while now and here is how they turned out this 8330 is fitted with claas axion wheels siku rear linkage and uh front linkage, it was flipping hard to get the wheels to sit any narrower as part of the cab comes down into the wheel arch and they should be widder still as they still catch but it dosent look right then i have grinded away as much as i could too so good job britians <img src="http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s317/hall_6610/19102008490.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br> <img src="http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s317/hall_6610/19102008491.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br> this 8330 is fitted with fendt 930 rear tyres on oringonal rim, 7530 front wheels, siku rear linkage scratch built front weight frame, wafer weights and spot lights the silghtly narrower fendt tyres seem to fit this one better <img src="http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s317/hall_6610/19102008492.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br> <img src="http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s317/hall_6610/19102008493.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br> </center>
  22. this is my pup now almost a year old still working on training him with thw sheep he can bring them out of the feild but he tries to do it too fast and has selective hearing a times as well
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