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Everything posted by CJ

  1. need help removeing the cab floor has any one done this what is the best way thanks
  2. thanks for the nice comments folks jez -- ill get pics of the rake shortly i will have another version of this trailer soon
  3. o deery me :D its all part of the fun which reminds me i have a few dividing gates to make for the cattle house its always fun picking the pelling skin off your arm tho
  4. its not that bad just feels like sand in yiur eyes, its welding with your sleves rolled up hurts more
  5. joals thanks for the nice comments folks have been tinkering today witha prototype tri axle flat bed trailer made from a new ray chassis scrath built bed and added details
  6. very nice pics can i ask what you made your bales from and how you made them
  7. it says on a sticker that its a tm 185 but again has 165 stickers on we assumed it was a prototype 175/190 as well \
  8. does he have a website at all paul
  9. you sure its not a 80-90 or 90-90, have they still got the 6620 and 6265
  10. hi i need help in locating one or 2 of these models i have been looking and had people looking for me but no luck so if any one could help it would be greatly appreciated
  11. about time they got rid of the bouncy 6460 is the 5445 have the auto steer fitted still
  12. hi all some new pics, we have recently recived our new trailed forage harvester and the self propelled will soon be heading down the lane. Driving the harvester will be the big 7050/60 (undecided still) lifting either 20 or 30 ft swaths depending on customer Farmermarshall is the man responsable for fabrication featureing a moving drawbar!!
  13. well have been to canada for a couple of weeks had a great time and a great country every thing seems less stresssed than here and the weather it was acctually summer there, have some pics of tractors and machinery so will post up later, but am a bit jet lagged went left toronto at 5.30 pm yesterday and flew to newark new york for connecting flight at 9.30 and landed at 8 this morning, went to bed at 2.30 cause i was exasuted and woke at half 6 i thought it was morning oh and we flew out with zoom which decied to cease operations a few days after we got there so had to spend more money on flights home.
  14. CJ

    At work with Gav

    the one i used was quite similar to your gav, i remeber sometimes it would pick up and then randomly slip off any were across the field but it was the only one i have used so had nothing to compare it with i just thank heavens i didnt have to use it last summer
  15. CJ

    At work with Gav

    theres a hydraulic cylinder inside the end of the arm just pull on the lever to let go but dont forget to put it back because its a bugger if you miss it
  16. yea seen some great outfits we were at a spud grower around aberdeen i forget his name but he had 6/7 fendts and had just trade'd them all in against new ones i think he had 6/700 acres or so here a pic or two from him that is a 40m bethound sprayer as well the same here too rob once men get above 250 cows here they seem to switch to keeping them in all year round though there are a few around with 600 that graze them outside
  17. yep all year round even when dryed off i think it is an impressive operation 500 cows 300 jersys and 200 holstiens and 9 lely robots milking them it was my last year of my national diploma so we went away for a week touring around abberdean and down as far as JDC country berwick isnt it \
  18. up your between the work lights!
  19. last 7 hopefully you can see what you want to know
  20. heres all the pics i have toyboy
  21. take that flipping number plate off the grill
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