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Light Land

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Posts posted by Light Land

  1. if all the stones were to be picked out ol, the field wound be lowered by about 3ft  :D

    if the srones were not there , it wouldn't drain as well as it does ,the soil would then pan down hard & would then be almost unworkable.

    This method of destoning complete fields has been tried years ago at a farm near langport , about 12 miles away , now the whole farm is permanent set aside , or mindrilled linseed, as there are no stones ,the fields don't drain, the soil packs hard & is completely unworkable , when wet it clogs up every thing , when dry it's as hard as concrete , i pulled a 12ton set of discs fully weighted on there once & all i ended up doing was making nice straight lines about 5mm deep, just didn't touch it , then after 5 mins of rain i spent more time racing the dics in a left turn circle to try & keep them free & clear,

      When dry a plough will not draw into the ground & a powerharrow just skips & jumps across the surface, when wet the plough gets down to about 3in deep & just holds the tractor still as you cant get any grip , that stuff was evil  :(

    we did manage to plant spuds of a fashion in one of the better fields , but when it rained it compacted the soil again & the spuds couldn't grow we couldn't harvest them so were left to rot & just leveled the ridges with a mounted set of discs  :(   

    Thanks for that marcus,I realy enjoyed reading that. :)

  2. Funny you say that marcus,As I was typing that post I was thinking a fair few of the pictures of crops in the farmers weekly seem to be grown on heavy but stoney soils,seems odd to me as here most of our heavyer land is stone free.

    If the stones were put into a trailer while de stoning for the spuds a few times then would'nt you have got the best of them picked off.??

    Some day I'd like to see some of that English soil with all the we bit's of rock in it. :)

  3. This did'nt annoye me but happened this week.

    There were 2 young lads that have been helping out around the yard this winter doing some realy ugly jobs.

    Yesterday morning the lads were 20minutes late for work because there ride was late,thats not there fault.

    The thing was they did'nt run into work the boss asked them to hurry up but the cheeky one of the two gave the boss some attitude.

    Next thing he turns around and tell's them both to fook off back home at the top of his voice.

    The amount of disrespect them little sods have shown towards him is sicking they had it coming to them.

    lazzy brat's  >:( >:(

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