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Light Land

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Posts posted by Light Land

  1. Most farmers are not keen on people hanging around there farm for many reason's.

    As I've said to NH2 a few times before you should make yourself known to the farmer at a time when he's not flat out combining or what ever then when you are out walking with the camera and see his combine runing he will know that you are just a young lad keen on farming and want stress or wonder what your doing in his trees.

    You will also not need to take off when he gets to the headland.

    If time is on the farmers side and you ask nicely he may even be happy to let you do a round or two with him,which would make any ones day.

    I have had people in the past taking pictures/asking for rides of me working and I have of others working,You may be suprised what a tractor driver will say if you ask him for a ride up and back at a time that is ok for him.

    Now that local farmers over the years know that I love farming and some times like to just sit on the hood of my ute and watch they often will slow down on the head land and push the door open for me to come over for a ride and a chat a few time's I've been offered jobs (mx 285 6920 TM 165 etc)because over time they have found I mean them zero harm unlike some of the other youth that get up to no good at night on the back roads taking tools and the likes. :)

  2. It must be tempting to start it off, get out, walk to the other end of the field and have a brew :)

    If it had GPS you could take your paper work/book with you.Often some one from the labour dept drives that because it's not that hard you just gotta keep an eye on things.

  3. You can't many ppl that want to do that kind of work here,I reckon the bulbs should be trucked to one of our over full prisons and give them crim's a brake from there playstaions in the form of a few bulbs.

  4. Bit like Gav said.....It could be spraying on fungicide into the seed tuber furrow just before the furrow is closed.Products like amistar are sprayed into the furrow to keep the tuber clean for the frist few weeks,this stuff needs to be sprayed close to the tuber because it only works when it is touching the tuber.

  5. This odd looking bit of kit is used to pull stalks out of the bulbs while in the ground to save on labour in the pack house.

    1100rpm @.5kph is the avg speed,if you go faster then you miss some stalks.

    The plates spin around and pushed togther for a split second thus pulling out the stalk as the plates are spining backwards.

    On row crop wheels the ride is a little rough because of the plates always pushing at each other.

    Enjoy  :)

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