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Light Land

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Posts posted by Light Land

  1. We (us mods) are currently discussing the future competitions, the silage season is a long season in comparison to most but I think next year the competition may not be open for entries as long as this year, we hope to have at least 3 more competitions each year so this should give everyone a chance to enter in a competition they have suitable models for.

    If anyone has suggestions for competitions over the winter months, say from December to April then please let it be heard here or put your idea to one of the mods via personal message, Or if our overseas members have ideas relevent to their country and climate from this period then maybe this could be quite interesting for everyone else to see.

    We hope to have a list of forthcoming competitions with start and finish dates in the next week or so.

    Feel free to discuss your ideas here!

    One idea I have is....

    Keep every thing in-line with the calander in real life eg:Dec for me is all about irragation and Jan/Feb is grain harvest.

    You would just have to judge it on "over all look" there was no way I could have gone out side to take silage comp pictures this year because of the snow/rain. :)

  2. JD's aren't the best Ford / New Holland are.  ;)

    You have to be an acrobat with that main lever on the 6's with the integral handbrake and on the older ones you have to be into gymnastics to get into a SG2 cab.

    Also Deere by name Deere by nature when it ciomes to spares or getting the local dealer to do anything  :(

    ha ha! :D :D :D

  3. Emmerdale farm

    Silverdale farm

    Windermere farm

    Willow brook farm

    Woodchester farm

    Winfield farm

    Long view farm ...all nice names I think.

    I've always called my carpet with models on it "doubleoaks" and if I don't find some new land for my root crops the palce will be know as "nemitode central"  :D :D

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