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Everything posted by batcher

  1. Are you going to make this one a ceral ? is it a one off bowl full. love the cracking story and kit and the sign writing on the lorry keep up the food good work
  2. Unfortunly for me i had a ram ? reason being during the first season not used to working on hills (still very green) As i was cumming down one and a trailer at my side silly me pulled the spout round next thing i knew platform full of grain pulling a wheelie with the rear tyres 4ft for sure still the boss laughed a said bet you don't do that again in a hurry. so for the next 2 seasons you can guess who had the p$$s taken every time that field name was mentioned
  3. Making the most out of jd combine http://www.iastate.edu/~nscentral/news/2006/dec/stover.shtml
  4. Mine is a clayson 1540 with a 12 foot header small by todays combines but i did manage 200 acres a year for 3 seasons back in the mid 80s lovely machine to drive setup and maintain. One problem she had was the thrashing drive was always in gear? unless you slacked the belts off. We had 3 fields that went flat as a pancake every year without fail (about 3 inches off the ground )my old girl picked every bit up most was regrowing but done one way slow but got there in the end. found a pic not the one i used happy days http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i54/batcher/mirror.jpg
  5. They are gritting around here too the only problem is the wind is blowing it off the roads as quick as there putting it on dooooooooo
  6. I am surprised you haven't heard of the green book It was poss still is a yearly book containing every tractor and machinery that was made during the year with all the specs and pics.I did have 2 from 77 and 78 but the b$$$$y kids got hold of them
  7. White db 990 first grain cart tractor no cab engine just purrs oh and the main aim was to get the exaust purple when worked hard
  8. No probs glad i could help if you need any more pics let me know
  9. Found this grey plough hiding under some wood hope it helps?
  10. Most of it was he has reduced down 60 acres half since i was there my old lemkin plough had gone plus my old db 770 and lundell drill. He's given up growing corn now real shame. He tryed a small animal farm but h/s and all the paperwork he had to do soon knocked that on the head. So now a few beef bl****y horses and carvans in the summer
  11. At the speed i going at my grandchilren won't finish them tho i am tempted by the 990 best model of all time happy new year to you
  12. I wish i could even think of doing 1% of what you do . To me it's just amazing what you can create . I have 2 of your models ( from gosport) te20 county super6 of witch i hope to finish one day? keep up the good work i will wait for the Trapeze steve
  13. That sounds like a good idea never seen a Trapeze kermit
  14. He's running ford 4000 7810 mf 675 290 i left the farm 1984 i went back for home for the weekend to see ma pa so i thought i would go and see the old place and a chat
  15. I put that on in 1978 when the main ram gave up i think it is an original part
  16. Been in the lagoon has she? i like to see kit well used top marks or should that be spots
  17. Lookin gooooood you could also use it as a crop press with a big baler behind the tractor?
  18. I don't think they folded up ? .We used to pull a set of zig zag harrows behind our's
  19. The best one i have used a long time ago was the shandy barrow Hard work but did a good job
  20. Looking gooooooooood reminds me of a tool we used to call a turbo tiller?
  21. What is the old saying 1 horse 1 acre a day hmmmmmmmmmmm not now
  22. And thats going downhill aswell
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