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Everything posted by batcher

  1. The other bloke i work with has a triple set of mowers .two years ago he was doing the 3m around the headland with the front mower and hit a water trough was a 1 in the morning though but he still has the pee taken out of him
  2. thanks it took about 1 and 3/4 hours to cut at a steady 11 kph. and i dropped the mower down a bit more on the second run
  3. Just a few pics in action behind my mxu 135 pro was only ten acres but kept my busy for a couple hours first time around been about 4 years since i last used a mower used to using mowers on the right but on the left took a bit of getting used too
  4. WOW that is some big kit he's got there,And more pics of the tedder please,Thanks for you for the pics steve
  5. A couple more pics from today camara died before i could take any more
  6. Just a few then I also work for a contractor just bailing we run 3 class 2200 1 2100 1 welgar 4050 ,2 welgar round balers ,1 hs2000 ,and a 998 very intrested in the sponge and water idea we normally cover the arms in grease,Any chance of a pic of the sponges in place please ,I feel a mod is needed many thanks steve
  7. Hi what square balers do you run ,And how many a year do you with them ,And do you have a round wrapper ,And do you find that you have trouble with the wrap breaking as it it cutting on the 998 when it is sunny steve
  8. Tea time ? thought you worked for a contractor
  9. Quick question how,why do mushrooms randomly grow in fields, I remember a farm i worked on we sparyed of a grass lay ready for a wheat crop ,The field went white with little button mushroms they tasted great Also a question for marky ,Do you know, remember, or heard about the salyoter (spelt wrong) in a place called siddlesham west sussex where there was a hundred plus of fruit and veg growers all with greenhouses , And a big warehouse in the middle where all the produce ended up , I remember working for one chap during a hoilday once when i was still at school picking toms helping out, And remember a lorry coming around and picking the toms up to take back to the warehouse same time every day steve
  10. It has been tryed 7 years ago on the back of a class 180 for about 2 weeks,then never went behind again ,The main reason was gateways to small havin to drop the wrapper off and then the bailer to drag the wrapper in and join back up again Even had a fusion for two seasons then got rid of
  11. Well the grass grew , and off i went did 260 bales yesterday bit of a bu@@er to start with all the new paint and wax but after hour and a half we were flying looking out the window out the front and the wrapper
  12. Well i got to try it out today beast on the road And a acre eater in the field steady 6 mph 40 acres in three hours not bad view from the seat from behind the side and the xtx 185 very very niccccccccccceeee
  13. Congrats on your new job ,looking at all these pics is shear bliss , The best thing when working for contractors is the little corners of farm yards you would never ever see best of luck steve
  14. WOW very intresting site click on the images below http://www.pma32.com/en/galerie.php5?photo=27&item=7&type=articles
  15. been busy today getting ready for the big start , When it does i don't think we will stop for a while
  16. Not really the horses needed but the wieght on the front as you unpack her the nose tends to twitch a bit, And the bloke that will use it has the mx200 so should be big anough i hope
  17. Only the best will do
  18. batcher

    old 6600

    It is a tarrup but thats all i know about her she was painted up to look good This was the first year we had tryed silage on this farm , the hurliman and trailers where hired in to help from where my dad worked,and the old man was the only one who had done pit work before so he got the job with his hurly The other ford was a 6600 with the zf axle plus duel power and a spool valve The other cart tractor was a 2130 2wd with duncan cab that would out pull me and give the 6600 4wd a hard time too
  19. batcher

    old 6600

    Well it was two years old when the photo was taken thanks to the mother in law me cutting grass 25 years ago Then picking it up guess who got stuck still my old man to the rescue on the hurliman, All i am getting from the mrs you had more hair then ,And not as fat :'( you talked more then, the good old days
  20. At ten this morning most of this was in boxes should be able to cover some ground with her clever the way it folds up unpacking nearly there ready for work all 9 meters
  21. Thinking up a new name for ftf ,Now my batching days are over yipee But me brain hurts
  22. You da man mf man , very intresting read luv the model ,I have only seen one 1200 in the flesh back in 73-74 pulling a three furrow rev but he was in 18 inches deep ,Was told the other day there is one still in this area so i will try to find out more Thank you for an informative read and pics steve
  23. It was a lovely relaxing afternoon ,And was told monday that he wants a forager man next cut well up went my hand pdq ,But next time might be on my tractor ?The grass is three years old i rememeber round baling it then
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