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Big A

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Everything posted by Big A

  1. get up here quick i was fed up today as they wanted landing spots sprayed after they had put choppers on them, pretty impossible to do. the boss is short of drivers this year, not many people like to get up at that time on a cold morning
  2. first day this year of de icing at aberdeen airport, 4am start finished at 5.30pm, bl**dy snow in october
  3. i really enjoyed my day at wincanton, it was great to meet up with quite a few forum members, gave me a chance to put faces to names . wish i could do it again next year but its the week before my wedding, dont think it would go down to well
  4. pop round past on sunday, i will be there with stand
  5. i was speaking to harold on saturday, he says there are 27 displays at the show and no fewer than 13 traders. i will be there with a stand as well.
  6. only thing is i will have to drive all the way as the missus isnt too keen on driving on the motorway, so not much senery for me
  7. as far as lancaster tommorow then a leisurly drive the rest of the way on saturday.
  8. ive just packed the car with boxes, ready to set off in the morning. look forward to meeting you all. andy
  9. finally got finished combining at lunch time, still 30 acre of straw to bale but it is soaking wet, dont think it will ever bale >
  10. i cant wait for toytrac now, dont think mrs big a is as happy as shes been told she has to help out on gavs stand and take charge when i disappear for a snoop round!
  11. again thanks for the comments crush will be available at toytrac, although a limited amount as i have been too busy on the farm and have found it hard to get more assembled. will be taking orders at toytrac and after. andy
  12. will do jez, looking forward to seeing yours and the other members layout.
  13. i'm going down, cant wait, hope to meet some members while i am there.
  14. does anyone have a list of what trade stands there is going to be?
  15. the stupid w***er that overtook me while i was turning right with the combine, he nearly ran into the old man who was half accross the road with the renault.
  16. my uncle did us a favour and took a load of barley to the grain store, i got a phone call in the afternoon from the manager of the store to say when he tipped the trailer he hit an overhead elevator and bent it, and we now have to foot the repair bill!
  17. go on tris, you know you want to show leverets at another show
  18. Big A


    was aiming to have about thirty ready for tt but the production line is quite slow just now, just have to take what i can manage, theres more i am keeping back anyway
  19. Big A


    it does look a bit better, at least i am getting time to put some models together.
  20. Big A


    doesnt look like it will be bill, think im going to have to find a driver for the wrapper, althougth at this rate i'l be able to come home after toytrac for the harvest
  21. ah bu%%er still cant post pictures with this proxy server, cattle crushes mate
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