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Posts posted by farmernick06

  1. Thanks Nick

    Scared of the 2650?  ???:D i suppose it does look a bit odd :-\

    Basically over the fields they have it on an old silage trailer that was falling top pieces and it used to dump cabbages and things, it used to come over the hill rattling about and it just used to creep me out. But now i've grown up i love it!  :)

  2. first of all this is for my layout ive got around 70 girls and roughly the same in boys.

    Oh right i see, i don't think that there would be that many boys in a pen  :-\ Far less than the sows i think  ;)

  3. Depends alot on how many you've got i think  :-\ With a rare breed like the Essex pig i think a good breeding boar isn't very common so he often has to be used on quite a lot of sows.

    A more common breed it also all depends on what you've got. The farm i worked on they had one boar on 3 sows, the rest were for slaughter.

    But im not entirely sure  :-\

  4. ya they do seem to perform well mechanically etc. we use ours for baling now and shes perfect for that, we dont really do much cultivation work around here but id imagine thats where these tractors would excel, id like to put our one flat lifting or something to test her out  :)

    A farm down the road runs three Valtras, one in the same colour as this may be the same model they look extremely similiar but not sure. But those three are on baling, muck spreading, carting, raking, mowing. They seem to be very well suited for that kind of job. But this farm have two running on preparing ground for tatties and OSR and once again they seem suited, i think they are just a brilliant all round tractor  :-\ :)

  5. what size is she? our neighbour had a 8750 a couple years ago in the same claas colour scheme, she looked well hooked up to a herron silage trailer  ;). there a very nice tractor to drive, my boss has an 8550 and with her long wheel base, wheel weights etc she runs lovely and smooth on roads probly just as good as his jd's and they have suspension!!!

    draw backs to them is they are so long it makes it hard getting in and out of tight places, and they arent really great for trailer work, cos the hitches are located too far back underneath the tractor, so the backwheels getting caught in the draw bar very easily, seriously limiting the lock.

    but saying that i do like them alot

    Im not quite sure of size or anything mate, only a bystander didn't get much of a chance to look or have a chat with the driver. But they have two and she is the larger of the two. Only went in the smaller one and if it's anything to go by they are very good tractors. The farmers are certainly happy with them. I'll have to try and have a chat with the driver, the other guy that let me in seemed happy with it  :)

  6. Heres some pics of what i saw today, a Valtra/ Valmet discing with a press behind or a roll. Got lucky that the driver came out but didn't talk alot. A serious machine, didn't take it seriously to be honest first time i saw it but i have to admit i have a soft spot for it, it's a beast  :)

    Enjoy, any questions feel free to ask  :)











  7. You evil being, laughing at another brothers misfortune  :D :D I would turn my head away from the screen in disgust .. but i can't !  :D :D

    What did i see today that made me laugh?

    Not alot really apart from someone in the year above me has signed for Chelsea for ?500,000  :o :o And plays for the England 21's .. and he's at my school! I think i may write a biography about my claim to fame  :D Then maybe go on celebrity big brother  8):D

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