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Posts posted by farmernick06

  1. nice to see the JDs I have just got back from holiday and saw mainly Claas combines and MF tractors and a few Zetors

    Great pictures thanks for showing us them.

    Thanks Mike, yeah there i would say be on the rise. A big fan of them, mostly NH in my area what about you? But the NH have all been getting on and the new JD's are on the rise.

    Where were you on holiday Mike?

  2. JohnP - Yeah thats the normal look at Kent, but in the garden theres a lot of crop and the work has to be done by someone  :-\ But like most things farming here is either huge business .. or peanuts  :-\

    Nick - Thanks mate, not anymore afraid saw them out again the other night but was too far to get the camera and cycle back. The Case MX 170  ;) And thanks, didn't want Marky falling off his chair  :D

    Tris - Thanks mate, yeah he's a lovely fella he said ' Come down to the farm when you turn 16, i'll see what i can do for you you'll be driving with us' so will definetly take him up on it. Really though i  was too nervous if there was anything on the yard i could do or just help out with... would love to intergrate myself with the contractors  :)

  3. So what happened to the babe in the picture you posted. She didn't look too idiotic to me, but she did give the impression that she wouldn't share your interest in models. More into clothes and makeup.

    Nice looking gal though. :-*;):D

    Her, were still good pals me and her just some local girls who had nothing better to do than knock for me... so they thought they take me down the park and beat me up  :D

  4. Thnak god for the warning when I opened this up  :D :D -  looks a lot drier there than at home with filling tanks up to the brim :o

    Thought some people might be in a state of shock .. i was  :D Some Massey massive members are probably still shivering under there desks asking is it safe to come out yet  :D :D And is quite dry down here but were expected a fair bit of rain over the week, some light showers yesterday, don't know if they carried on  ;)

  5. Great pics nick like the road crossing pick a gap and drive through it  :D :D :D

    Mate, it nearly gave me a heart attack... im not sure they knew how much of a bank it was but they went over it and Fred went alot quicker than the first combine and the header just slammed down... luckily it was helf up by a bush but pretty dodgy stuff.  :D Had to wipe my eyes a few times .. thanks mate  :);)

  6. not seen any that size down my of kent (folkestone,canterbury,ashford way)

    Nor had i to be perfectly honest Dwain, i woke up expecting the usual New Holland combine to be working all day and to see these monsters gave me a shock. But i don't think harvest on such a large scale is common here whatso ever, just this contractor has the machinery and needs everything harvested ideally before next week so speed is of essence.

    Thanks 1HP, totally agree with you there they're beats of machines and thanks for the kind words  ;)

  7. strange aint it, its hills as down this way, yet i only know of one hillmaster combine, a big jd???? quite newish 51 palte, thats it, most farmers make do with standard versions, and they all seem to do very well,

    Hmmm strange that mate, real strange. Im not sure if he bought the hillmaster specifically, didn't ask much about it apart from it being the smallest he's got for the purpose of transport  :-\ I'll ask him about it if i see him around again  ;)

    Thanks James, yeah thats wheat there harvesting. Been on wheat for the last 2 weeks, got about a 1000 acres left to do out of the 5000. I had a look earlier and i think the 9880STS or the STS model is the same as he is using. Im 90% about that one, and that would be some achievement  :D It's the Claas fans i have to win over :D :D

  8. Thanks Sean, yeah i know the smaller combine is a hill version not sure about the larger two. And you would be suprised, a normal combine i think would still be able to do it but just a bit sluggish, with the amount of land they're working on some is a bit steep. But it's an awesome combine flys up .. and down the hills  ;)

    Thanks ever so much Mart, yeah the guy Fred French has been to know likes it big. He has been known to run Steigers, Case Steigers, at the moment he has one of those artic New Hollands so he has one hell of a fleet, but the core is certainly these little Deeres  :) :)

  9. Well after messing up yesterday and forgetting the camera i thought i had to redeme myself, so went to the seem them just down the road today. Today is minus a massive John Deere 8520 w. Hawe grain cart unfortunaetly but + another combine and lots more carting tractors.

    Yesterday they with me inside shifted around just under 360 tons ( 12 lorry loads ), not sure about today.

    There is also an article or picture atleast of this guys combines in FW this week  ;)

    Unfortunaetly didn't get a ride like yesterday but hope you enjoy these pictures, shame about the distance really  :-\




















    Philadelphia girl as the boss calls her, i can't remember if it was because she looks like or sounds like on the cb the woman off of the Philadelphia advery. She was really nice





    The smaller combine








    And here comes Fred French with the larger combine, he has two of these and combined there cutting over 5000 acres



    Nearly ....



    And last but not least, my favourite picture of the day


    Any questions feel free to ask, any comments are warmly welcome. Hope you enjoyed a quick taste of the larger stuff in Kent ;)

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