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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. It was something to do with how many loaves of bread the combine had help make ... or something along those lines
  2. Sorry Ben, was about to take a picture of it but my memory run out and i walked off deleting unneeded pics and forgot to do it :( Sorry mate
  3. Well got some snaps of the event, it seems to get bigger every year but it still is trying to keep it's heritage and a big part of it is agriculture and horticultrue. So first up the John Deere stand, the first thing i saw as i walked in The big 9620T and the big end of machinery Next is the 6930 down to the 6330 and 5820 And not on the John Deere stand but the last green i snapped Moving onto the MF stand This will please Mr Ferguson Now two blues, the first was second hand and the second was on Hadlows stand, i love it! And lastly also on the Hadlow stand a Claas Lexion .... what a beast Some livestock photos to be put on in a jiffy
  4. Well lets not get personal :D The massey guys were happy to give things away and were nice chaps but the difference is that Deere were selling soo much more. They had Siku, Britains and Bruder in there with shirts, caps all the JD accesories and i didn't see that with MF .... both were good stands
  5. Yeah nice blokes, i've found that the Massey guys are always a lot more helpful than the Deeres. I got a bag from MF with a nice hat, the UH 135 keyring and a pen and then told i could take as many brochures as i wanted ..... so i did And yeah it was very nice, along side the 7430. Shame they were locked \
  6. I think it was awesome, quite a bit of stuff there but a bit of a bum if you didn't go through entrance 4 \ Luckily i did ... but the John Deere stand was alot better than the MF display wise but MF were alot more generous methinks ... still a JD boy however :)
  7. Well i did go yesterday to my suprise my friend offered to take me and i was suprisingly impressed. My entry was ?7.00 and for that it was quite alright .... needs more tractors Some interesting things happening down there though I'll put some pics up later
  8. Excellent pictures Mart... do you know what number she is? I love topping, my favourite thing to photograph :) ..... apart from harvest
  9. Im hopefully doing both, i thought Toytrac was first?
  10. You guys!! I do not wear makeup! .... well, a little :D And tell me about womans handbags, i got hit in the head by one at a disco and had to have cold peas on it for the rest of the night :o
  11. Very nice pictures but that is a must have, toytrac hopefully ... Want the two Claas balers .. yum yum
  12. Proper fists this one Gav, and he hasn't grassed yet but i would probably get an internal suspension if they did find out
  13. Arghh we went on a schooltrip yesterday which bored the death out of everyone, although we got to go in an observatory and i was watching all the tractor action :D Then today at lunch got in a fight with a year 8 who said something about my interests > So i smacked him one [ I sound like such a chav :( Im not
  14. Ohhh i really really like that, looks awesome. Definetly do more, they look great
  15. Thats what i first thought to be honest, some kind of subsoiler or as you said a soil loosener .. but what put me off that idea is the bar at the bottom? Would they have that?
  16. Last one, haven't got a clue what is on the back ... Wanted to have a look inside as no one was there, but bottled it :D
  17. Out on the bikes this evening and came across this in a field. I naturally presumed it was a 2650 at first then reliased it was tiny ... never seen anything like this .. is it common? Don't know what it was doing there couldn't see a driver unless they left it in the field for the night I really like it, think she looks a cracker
  18. Today i went on the bikes with olliethefarmer on here to go on a bike ride, which regularly turns into a tractor spotting event for me Saw 4 drivers i knew and he waved to them all, so i now have 0% respect anymore :D Then got some chips found a dumped JD by the looks of things and challenged a few chavs to duals ... god i hate them! Should all be burnt
  19. This picture any good? Not sure if its exactly the same kind of thing.... All looks great to me mate great potential there, love the diesel tanks :)
  20. Be there like a squirrel mate Sorting out with my cousins at the moment for a week i can stay with them and then arrange a day or two to meet up if thats alright :)
  21. Excellent pictures again Will, looks like another great day for you That Case looks awesome really like the look of her Another two steak lunch? :D
  22. Gav!!! Or .. Ben!!! :D I'll get you one day. As for Scleich pigs they are big but hay i like them and at the end of the day Sean it's really up to you. I just found them most reliastic and found the Britains pigs tiny
  23. Never driven but been in it would have to be a John Deere 6900 for me
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