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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. Tryed the block idea, couldn't find an excellent pen but i think it looks alrightish ... needs a lot more work but am i going in the right direction? I also sprayed the roof grey and have got some 'corrigated iron' to go on top ( The cameras at an angle i think, the bricks arent that slanted )
  2. Wowowowow thats good, the sort of thing i'll need in the future in my layout. Make more! Plenty more This will be a big hit \ Excellent work mate
  3. Broke up from school today and then walked into town with my girlfriend to be confronted by my embaressing inferior cousin :D Who revealed all of my secrets > And then just had a McDonalds, gave a few gangster wannabes a few dodgy looks and laughed at them and went home :D
  4. A warm welcome to the forum to you Ashley, an awesome tractor you have there .. in real life and a model. What do you think of it? Greenacres farm? Have you got a diorama/layout? If so can we have any pics please Kind regards, Nick
  5. Excellent Graeme, love those old Deeres and excellent picture ;)
  6. Poor Mandy get well soon * For me was smashing pallets to make them into fire wood and as i smashed one piece it flew up and one of the nails went straight into my hand, quite deep and was a rusty nail ... so ran to the bathroom and threw barrel loads of TCP on it and a bit of cream .. \ Just in case :)
  7. 2nd to last day at school normal day really, found out my form for next year ... quite pleased although i have 9 people in my form whos name i cannot pronounce Then at lunch played cricket and smacked the ball straight into the face of a fielder by mistake And then came home and have been tidying the garden and chopping back trees and general tidying :)
  8. Interesting story Nigel, sounds like a bit of bad luck really .. just goes to show how farm accidents can happen. Im definetly more aware of everything going on machinery wise, like a few years ago i would happily stand next to a topper in action, now i've come to reliase that things flick up etc ... but i feel im starting to know the drivers now. So thats good :)
  9. Good ideas mate, trying to do the corrugated iron now, but the breeze block idea is something i didn't think of .. may probably do that, thanks mate I've painted the roof grey now so looks a bit more .. um greyey \ :D
  10. Awesome .... AGAIN! Graham a constent offender, your stuff shouldn't be legal Graham .. it's too good :D Excellent again :)
  11. OK the vast majority voted for with a bit of work, so how can i do that? Got a plan to spray the roof a darker grey \ \ And maybe put corrigated card ontop with a rusted effect ... \ Anything else?
  12. Go for it! With what you've been knocking out recently i can't wait to see the finished product :)
  13. Does it? Numpty for PDH \ \ First post: Details of this I have scaned for you to see what you make of it :D Im confused \ \
  14. Is this out now? Looks interesting ... looking forward to a good read .. fingers crossed
  15. It would have to be Model farmer as thats the only really specialist farm model magazine since farm & site got taken over ( still worth a look ) but Classic Tractor normally have a great collectors piece in it and i believe Tractor do to \ \
  16. Hadeha! :D It is actually hell on your hands, we cut down about 5 hawthorn trees and i was carrying them and putting them in the chipper, looked at my arms and there cut to ribbons Was good fun though and got payed But no nail breakages :D
  17. Um today i've been helping out my next door neighbours son in law who chops down trees, been helping him feed the chipper and things like that been a good day and good to get some more work under my belt
  18. Looks awesome Deerepower, love the chiller .. did you make it yourself? Will PM you about it later
  19. Excellent Thomas really amazing piece of work At the hospital? Nothing too serious i hope \ Excellent work friend keep it up
  20. Looks great FM, looks very at home with your MF's and your decals are very authentic :) Top job
  21. Sean, Sean, Sean ... as you know im a John Deere fan but i kiss your shoes for that one mate, an absoelutely stunning piece of work. I needed to wipe my eyes ... holy smokes :o Think we've got a winner for the harvest competition
  22. What ever happened with these? I've got one and picked it up for ?14.... which seems to be an average price for one \ Why were they so cheap in comparison to say the rape version? But up to you, would look nice
  23. Oh my gosh not a huge Case fan but that looks stunning mate, really reliastic And the Massey also, very tidy conversions :)
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