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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. Some new releases from Joal ( not all of them ) and the Siku display at Sima
  2. Hi guys, First things first i apolagise for my poor scanning qualities Whilst on holiday i bought this magazine because of the extensive coverage on models in the back. Didn't get a word :D The pictures are good though throughout the magazine and they have a good spread of this years releases and some of the displays at Sima. Hope you enjoy, any questions feel free to ask Alot of you will recognise the back page And some Britains new releases
  3. Thats a shame mate, as i said it really finishes the models off nicely. And round here they don't get to pimp there tractors alot as the big farms don't often own the tractors but rent them, so they can't really make many adjustments and give them a personal touch as the drivers are always changing etc
  4. Ben i thought the same but the problem is a) the ground is unbelievably hard and there are cabbage/radish/swede ( everything ) piles that they had to take out before cutting down the grass and then ploughing i think, but probably just tidying the dump area \ Im not sure about the topper, at one stage he used it as buckrake Cheers Mart, he seemed like a bit of a pillock to me. Went way too fast on his first sweep and smashed the topper, sped back to the farmer and he didn't really seem to have any order in what he was doing. But he was a nice enough guy, gave me the farmers nod so im happy \
  5. Last one And i'll get a video on youtube later Any questions fire away
  6. I smell awful because of it And got a date today \ Oh well was fun .. brilliant machine to watch
  7. But the little Kuhn was struggling, he was reversing onto the cabbage piles destorying them. Didn't look pretty
  8. Popped over the field this morning and saw this little beauty at work, well not really. He started chopping the field with a spearhead topper and he run over the irrigation pump and broke the topper, so went to the yard and fetched another. That also couldn't stand the challenge and although it didn't conk out it wasn't doing anything. But finally picked this beauty up Same model as the Siku?
  9. Graham that as ever is stunning, amazing quality and detail looks so real, especially love the bale shed. Where did you get or/ how did you make the bales? Also love the clamp, they have a similiar outdoor kit of clamp well more of a pit, looks spot on. Everything is so good
  10. Looks excellent to me CJ, love the silage kit looks so reliastic lined up I know you've shown it before but i love the finishing touches on the Deeres aswell, bits like that make them look out of this world
  11. Lovely pictures Massey man, i enjoy seeing silage pictures but as Ben said near me also theres not alot of silage \ But thanks for sharing they look awesome
  12. I suppose the Cougar would be good for The wheels, The mowers, The cab ( maybe ), But anything could do i suppose someone must need something \ And i've seen the whole chassis on ebay a while back i think did alright \
  13. Better start saving I wonder if he'll do a Fendt in Deutz colours? Would be funny to see a Massey in Deere colours
  14. Has anyone got an idea on price for this money snatching ... addition to my limited Deutz' \
  15. Nice pictures mate, certainly looks good down there. Love the permastore ... an FM job?
  16. Why? Like the Fendt that was done in Lemken blue it looks nice, but whats the point? Am i missing a link between Landini and MF? \
  17. Thanks for posting mate, very interesting indeed. Last year i went to India and travelled through an agricultural area, most farmers wouldn't be able to afford a tractor like that i would assume \ \ And was interested in Tafe are they an Indian based company? I saw a few adverts in farmers trader and thought it was welsh :D Basically old Masseys Once again thanks for posting Lee
  18. Here in the dordogne ( well just outside in Limousin ) it has been for the last week unpredicable to say the elast unfortunaetly, when it's hot it's beautiful absoelutly scorching but i tried ridingto the dealership tonight for some photos for you got half way there and a huge rain/hale storm. The hale storm was so bad that cars where coming back with smashed windshields and everythying, but still awesome.
  19. Mart im coming up yours for my holiday next year .... that is some serious kit, i love ity mate. Crackin photos as ever aswell. Have to say that 7530 looks in her prime with that planter, awesome pictures mate ;)
  20. Out in the garden most of the day at our B&B on my beetiemobile starting the silage season off, nearly run over the host though however Then went to a garden centre and found buried amongst a huge pile of Siku and Renault Ares UH ... and after a heated debate and throwing plant pots at my Mum .. i wasn't aoud it > Saying i spend to much on models .. Pah to her > And reading my copy of 'tractorama' .. can't get a word but the pictures are good :D
  21. Im disgusted at yet another cheap way of making more cash out of the same model, but i want one to go with my Bayern and rape :
  22. Um ... so much stuff out here near the Dordogne in France, Memorable, JD 6920S with sprayer JD 5720 in the orchard Claas Nectis and an old Fendt of some kind on the back of a flat bed Fendt Vario 924 ploughing Massey 135 and 165 JD 6900 with a bale trailer and front loader JD 2650 and JD 2650 in council colours on hedgecutting duty 2 Renault Ergos with hedgecyutters and one with front loader Renault Ares NH TS115 David Brown ( haven't got a clue ) with a flat bed in the woods movingt trees, And been past a Landini. Kubota, Claas dealerships and the best part theres two .. yes two John Deere dealerships in my village :o ;D Some more pics later end of the week
  23. Wow looking at the picture it looks even better, to be honest i thought the chassis was a bit big but it looks pretty much spot on in the pic And i know mate, i keep having ideas of things to do but just no enough time ... im sure you'll find a good solid working slot
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