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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. I don't actually know why he did that ??? I know in the winter they drove on the field because the track gets absoelutly abliterated all i know is he pushed the 2650 to the max on that field he went 'flat out' And there were some kids messing around on the mound \ I was going to tell them about the pesticides but then they offered me a biscuit and i didn't want to freak them
  2. I've got to re-find the trailer they moved it to another field ... I'll look out for it later i promise Ben For a minute Sean i thought you were talking about mum throwing bales at my head i was like i may be short but plastic bales don't do that much damage
  3. It's a gorgeous day down here today nice and sunny with a very very gentle breeze so it's not unbearsably hot but not nippy. My favourite kind of weather
  4. OK well Saturday morning i think it was i was doing my walk and going round the mound when two McCormicks came and they've moved the pipe trolley and irrigators so i'll get you your measurements when i find it again Ben This morning i ticked off another of my must photograph machines, it hasn't been over the fields for a little while i think it had a bit of work done to it and by the looks of things a much needed wash. I missed it in action but luckily the guy had forgot to shut the door to the trailer so i got a few quick snaps
  5. Very very nice Sean im liking that alot ... don't listen to Steve by the way That Massey looks lovely with the spreader a nice combination
  6. Calm down Simon mate, it's just football :D .... Although Man United are of course the better team
  7. Graham that is laughably good ... you've even got the files in there aswell. Stunning detail mate
  8. But it's countries like Italy that have the problems with fan violence etc yes we still get the battering It is worrying and kind of ruins cups like the champions league ...
  9. Last season maybe ... i think this year we've got a good chance and on the night i'll say 2-0 Man U But imagine outside Old Trafford if we did go out with the Roma fans .. Ouch
  10. Man United til the end me .... Were just getting ready for the game on Tuesday .. i wonder how many Roma supporters will turn up. The police should have some fun
  11. Looks excellent to me mate, can't wait to see the finished product, keep us posted i think it looks terrific
  12. Just trying to stick the bin back together after booting it after the Man U game > Mum's guna kill me
  13. The red i bought for my Claas header real ( so quite a light red ) is infact a dark red, purpley colour Even though it's the perfect colour on the tin
  14. My thoughts exactly cow boy I've not seen alot of the redrock telehandlers around but i think they look great in real life and imagine if UH did one
  15. Cheers Graham looks great as ever. It's an interesting one on google there seems to be so many variations of colour of different parts like the auger on the same model ( 98se or something like that ) i saw two different variations and it's quite hard when it comes to painting .. you've made a good job of it
  16. Thought so ... so Grahams going to be spending his time in the shed a fair bit now And yeah i hope to be at Toytrac so i'll see you both and your amazing shed/s there And oh deere can we have atleast one green Nah bet it all looks awesome mate whatever colour
  17. Take it thats Sharon ... If so i think you might need to invest in a large shed ... can't wait to see the layout
  18. Haha brilliant Marky you look like an overgrown boy on that tractor I can imagine you on your bicycle making tractor noises :D It must of been great going through the villages on fanny ... i remember last time i was down your way in Abbington ( \) my uncles friend let me in his Lexion at the farm and we drove through the village to the field you get a few funny looks Yet it feels great, specially on a good day .... Good luck to you mate looks brilliant, glad you had a good time
  19. Looks awesome to me Graham ... your going to need a big space for your permenant set up Keep us posted it has great potential with those stunning sheds
  20. Looking awesome Graham ... must be a pretty small dominator decal i looked at the space and it's quite small \ Have you got a picture of the back end mate?
  21. Oh ok mate i'll get those measured in the morning ... wearing a balaclava
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