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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. Saw it today thought it looked very nice indeed, alot of your stuff looked great mate. I especially liked the Fertilizer spreader with the booms. But the topper does look great with the Bomford look
  2. Nah i did that one with the digital camera ... i was suprised i thought the quality would be a bit better but oh well
  3. And here for anyone that wants the soundtrack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ic74iKolNUI Sorry about the quality, it was a bit windy and the dog kept pulling me \
  4. Yeah not all is as it seems. It's quite funny everyone pretends to be rebelious but they're not haha. Go to the school next door they know how to through a party, we are amateurs really Still extremely fun though apart from someone got hospitalised tonight for mixing drinks \
  5. Old Ford mate that looks excellent. That gives an awesome look that is impressive
  6. School disco ... which i can pretty much in advance tell you i'll be annoyed. Last two discos i've been dumped by the same girl in the same minute ... the first > Then we've got the prats in my year who wear those stupid just do it bags who think they're pimps who are going to walk around looking Dr Dre all night trying to pick a fight .... then i'll probably be suspended for lamping a few Then you've got there 'beatches' all pretending to be drunk falling all over the place having 'bre jwkz'. If i make it through the night without being stabbed, puked over or suspended i will be surpised.
  7. Haha it's from Jim out of Vicar of Dibley ... no,no,no,no I'll be on the lookout for yours
  8. Thats what i thought at first but then the boss came back in the pick up and someone stepped out and took it back to the farm ... i presume. Seemed odd still \
  9. Graham mate that is absoelutly stunning .... your a genius.
  10. OK not as many as yesterday but this morning before school i went over for a little bit and all 3 were finishing off but i didn't take the camera. When i got back there was only the 7430 left and a lorry which i don't know why it was there. First picture is the lorry seemed like a bit of a weird end never really seen any trucks like that before \ And then now until end the 7430
  11. Cheers Mart for that mate by the looks of the pictures it took him a while? Great bedformers
  12. Lovely pics Mart, Do alot of the guys in your area customise there Deeres like that i've seen a few of your pictures with them like that they look great. Thanks for sharing them
  13. Cheers everyone .... Yeah Ben i wouldn't mind seeing something else down here but practically everything in my area is green. The most common are Valtras and Deeres ... These are just outside Gravesend in a little village called New Barn. Cheers Rich, No ones really ever said anything to me about taking photos. They seem to be alright with it after i got to know a few of the drivers and occasionly they let me in the cab for a bit. So there alright had a few strange looks by new drivers though which i can understand. If anyone ever asked i'd probably just say im interested in farming and i've been watching you guys since i was 3. Got a few more pics by the way i'll put them on later i've got to shrink them first
  14. Great pictures David i like your journals alot.
  15. Lovely pics Mart .... that 6430 is looking very well ... what a beast Thanks for the pics there awesome mate
  16. It's actually quite a good plough very sturdy. The plough seems very well built and doesn't really bounce around. The drivers speed is erm ... i would say 5-8 mph im not sure ... but not really that unsafe.
  17. Cheers Gav, thanks for clearing that one up Thanks Scott, not so much a photographer as a photographer is good at taking photos ... whereas i see something i like i take endless amounts of pictures of it Mums not going to be pleased she spent ?40 for getting all the photos printed and ive filled it all up again I better delete them quick
  18. Yeah i noticed that ... quite large rectangular beds. Thry have quite large gaps as they use a hell of alot of irrigation .. not sure if that is with most bedformers \
  19. Cheers Mart ... great pics. There nice enough bedformers but after joining here they don't seem to be bedformerish if you know what i mean \ I think your theory if best about specialist for carrots. Although im not sure whats going in the ground this year probably cabbages ...
  20. Last one .... if anyone has any more questions i'll do my best to answer them and it would be great if you could dig those bedformer pics out Mart
  21. As i said if hes there tomorrow i'll ask about the bedformer for you ... i looked for a brand decal but it just had a Union jack and a big yellow sticker saying bedformer. Last 3 now
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