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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. I talked to Tris about it the other day on MSN he seems to think that the guy who owns or runs Dads tractors doesn't have a stall but has a few of his pieces scattered around on other stalls \
  2. John Deere 7430 with Kuhn rotorvator > Not a happy young lad
  3. Every single day i take that camera over the field and the day the battery is low JJ Barkers decide to play with all there John Deere 7430's!! The first time i've seen any of the new series .. and knowing my luck the last
  4. Looking good to me Ben ... where did you get that fuel tank from? Is it from Dad's? All looks great mate
  5. Looks nice Marcus .... Im sure i've seen a Massey like that it looks awesome mate well done
  6. Cheers lads for all the great feedback it was just something i knocked up because i was bored. I didn't really think about giving a gavanised look it just kind of happened. So i'll slap a few decals on it and give it a few hoses and it'll hopefully look alright. Whats next for me eh Marky? Well i was thinking of trying a convo like Grahams on a New Ray combine maybe some bigger stuff like that. All little bits and bobs maybe a few baler conversions im going to see what happens. This is what i've got planned: New Ray combine paint change, John Deere 590 wheel change, John Deere 348 into Claas Markant, Britains wright rain into a Briggs irragator and maybe trying my first scratch build of a pipe trailer ...
  7. Steve i love the back door effect was did you do that or was it like that. Also love the lights on the front but the whole transit looks good. Nice work mate .... thinking of the Masseys as ever
  8. ' Silver spray paint ' from the Creative Chritsmas company ... i thought it looked quite good when spraying it but i made too many layers trying to get it perfect and it spoilt it a bit. Thanks for the kind comments ... And rich yeah it is ... i've never seen one in real life but i think it suits the McCormick just right.
  9. Thats looking very smart mate i like it
  10. Oh deere ..... Oh i nearly forgot [move] 1000th Post!![/move]
  11. Well i was having a rummage for some things in the garage yesterday and found some of my old country life collection ... i was actually looking for the woodchipper thing but instead found a pesticide tank which i believe used to have folding booms but aren't sure. So took it apart and got the spray paints out and made this up today \ Went a bit over the top with the silver but it was really to wet my appertite for some real conversions i am planning for this year. I don't actually know if this is a fuel bowser Planning to put a few warning decals on it for the sake of it and a few hoses coming from the back.
  12. Looks like you have a nice collection there mate and a very nice little shed ... Keep us posted friend
  13. Nice and sunny down here .... still a bit of wind but alright dog walking weather
  14. Looking great mate .... make sure you don't sell any to children, you could have someones eye out ;) Tidy work mate keep it up
  15. Thats awesome mate ... looks great. Keep going with that it looks stunning.
  16. Good little project mate keep us posted on everything. I've seen a few laying around down this way so it would be nice to see a model. Good luck
  17. I know what you mean mate .... you feel excited to see whats going on but then you think well hold on what happens if. It happened to us in Spain there was a similiar fire and we were staying in the town pracitcally underneath it thankfully they kept it under control before we had to evacuate.
  18. Tris what have you done now? How long did it take to be put out Tris? Did the fire spread far?
  19. Is that a numpty for Toolbox? I see nothing wrong it definetly says XTX 200 \ Sorry im doing a Beetie
  20. Not sure if this is any good Nathan did a google search for Matbro TS and this was the best i could find for you. Sorry if it wasn't what you were looking for
  21. Normally mate ... on the Briggs they do. They normally use over our fields the larger folding boom sprayers and they carry those like that and wrap the booms around the side.
  22. Excellent as ever mate ... I love the pictures of the 7920 remind me of my fields. Awesome mate and as Garret said fen5 is a brilliant picture.
  23. I like that Old Ford very nice building you have there. Well done mate
  24. Thanks Marcus .... i'll have to keep my eyes open for one. Do you know what year its from? I havent seen it in the current Siku line up
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