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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. John Deere 3050, Ford 3350 with transport box, John Deere 6920S, John Deere 5720,
  2. Hmm ... Yeah spose mate \ Today i was messing around at band pracitce and put my finger in a spare sybol and hitting it with the drumstick ... and then someone wacked it with there hand and my finger has a huge hole in it. My best mate got blood all over his uniform and i had to sit in the medical room while they searched the school for plasters
  3. Out of the blocks you have modern languages French, German or both. Then you have humanities Geography or History and then Drama and music and then DT and music. I did German, History, Geography and Art. Mainly because there what i got excellent feedback from tonight. As for DT it seems a bit of a doss and a laugh but i've never really had the nack of the actual building stage and thats 45% of the grade. Im alright at design but useless and the actual building. Which is a shame because it would help my collection alot
  4. Thats a bit of a bummer mate! Were quite lucky at our school we also had a fire last year but it was in the canteen and the firestation is about two minutes away and it was put out immediatly. DT wise we do quite a bit it just really is a gamble on what your doing and what teacher you get. And cheers Nigel. Sounds like you've got a good deal there mate
  5. Cheers Graham .... now it's just rest really. He assures me he'll be fit for Spalding where he can pretend to be interested :D And thanks options is just waiting now to see what i've got.
  6. I know ... but you have all different courses like woodwork and electronics and plastics etc. Im only good at woodwork and poo at electronics and bits so it would be a bit of a gamble. And the best teacher left last year so it's gone a bit down the pan. It would of been nice to use some tools though for conversions and bits but oh well ... And good luck with your parents evening .. i just slipped my Science teacher 20 notes Our Maths teacher was ill and everyone says my English teacher fancies me so i got off lightly :D The others im alright in And thanks Appreciate it
  7. Nice pics Will ... What make of topper is that? Looks familiar Whats the Merlo like to use?
  8. Had my parents evening * Gulp * Didn't go that badly although my Mum kept staring at my science teachers finger, it got severly broken playing rugby and is completely bent. So that was embarrasing and then submitted my options after a long hard thought .... of two minutes whether to do DT or Geography. I went for Geography but not so sure now And Dad got his second all clear from cancer
  9. Yummy! Another nice van there Steve ..... any other variations coming out? And any of your vans being sold at Spalding?
  10. Welcome to the forum mate, As you said the quality of model on here is very high. Make sure you check out the dioramas at the moment thats what gave me my inspiration when i first started. This forum is a lovely place to be with the lovliest people and Marky :D Only joking have a laugh and enjoy! Regards, Nick P.S Sorry Marky i was only joking * Insert angellic halo here *
  11. Got my finger stamped on in the first minute of our rugby match and couldn't move my hand for the rest of the game. >
  12. You have to wonder what those Valmets were doing? How would that happen? ???
  13. The next is of the the same field again and the huge puddle .... And after that is the tracks up to the field that was being sprayed yesterday. We also have the woods which is always full of motorbikes because during the war because of the shear space of the fields they placed anti-aircraft guns because were so close to the thames. And quite often the woods got bombed therefore creating craters so the motorbike guys go down there quite a lot and the woods are supposedly haunted \
  14. Anyway werent any machinery over there today but because i only started the topic yesterday i thought i would show you some pictures of the where i walk and what they do etc. The first picture is the farm itself .. not a very good photo but i don't get close enough to it really. All those yellow and white sheets in the picture are the sheets on the side of trailers that they use in the summer. The farm grows alot of salad and uses veg packers etc. They have a road from the fields to the farm where they park practically everything apart from the tractors there. I'll try and get a bit closer tomorrow. At the moment they have got all of there irragation units out. The second picture is of the dumping field. Sainsburys is just down the road and anything they can't sell is taken to a plant like thing and then chucked in the back of trailer and dumped over our fields. They do everything cabbages, lettuces, radishes everything. The problem at the moment is the residents of the village are complaining because the packaging keeps blowing into there gardens and it does smell The picture is of where the John Deere enters and the havoc it has caused
  15. There two different fields but he was just driving straight over ... saves time really. It seems weird but they have alot of small fields with grass tracks in between but they are growing the same crops in both fields Anyone know why that is? I was going to try and get a few pictures of the John Deere 2650 with a silage trailer that dumps veg each day over the fields but oh guess what the day i take my camera he doesn't need to dump anything
  16. Opps ... And thats your lot for tonight. I will carry my camera so expect plenty of pictures through the year
  17. Cheers Mart yeah i have to admit i do like that picture ... The John Deere with the discs was parked while the field was being ploughed and it would of been a great picture because they both went off together back to the farm but i couldn't be bothered to walk back in the opposite direction and the dog was knackerd I wasn't going to show them tonight but i will. Here are some pictures from today of another field being sprayed by a 6920S
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