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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. Do you know the make of that forklift behind the 6810 ?
  2. Very nice indeed Nick ... loving the fleet of JD's. Very nice farm yard coming along there. Keep up the good work
  3. Well i've just painted it ... Yellow for the body and blue for the brissles ( no pics as yet as the camera is temporarily dead ) But i had the idea of stealing a warning sticker from a cheap toy tractor. But then i had the idea to steal the two front wheels and put them on the side \ Would this look OK or would i be overdoing it a tad ... i'll get some pics of the painted brush soon.
  4. I echo Marts comments .... some extremely nice pieces
  5. That is looking very nice indeed .... as Scott said can you shed a bit more light about the materials used ?
  6. Wow brilliant pics Tris ... Extremely jealous
  7. I know i've already said something but i would like to add that i have a soft spot for any of the new Valtras for some reason. They've got alot round where i live and although they look like huge nosed people ... i have a huge soft spot for them ... although i sort of dislike them because i tryed getting a job on a farm that has all Valtras and they turned me down and now i will probably never drive one >
  8. Well sizzle my sausage :o Thanks for that mate .... broken my keyboard ;)
  9. That is simply amazing .... looks so like a real farm. Perfect ! As Marky said 10/10
  10. I would like to say a 7920 or a 6920S but it has to be a John Deere 6900. First tractor i ever went in and loved it, i was a bit disappointed with it's shape and have tryed to convince myself i hate it. But after getting a modern farming DVD which has a section all about the 6900 cutting grass i loved it too pieces and i have a huge soft spot for it.
  11. Now i never knew that .... How many other Watling tyres places are there around Kent then Graham? I also never knew they had an agricultural department although they have got a huge lanz outside the door. Derrr me. We've got one down the road if anyone wants any pictures of a perfectly painted Lanz ....
  12. Looking awesome Graham ... bits like that give the diorama some life
  13. Well after being threatened with a compass to my throat by some nutter in my maths class because i accidently stole his bird .... Pah some people ;) . Then hopefully my last visit up the hospital tonight ... Dad should be discharged tomorrow and now sitting here doing homework/MSN/Dog walking/Checking unreads/Eating Curry/Getting Teletext up for Mum .... Looks like a fun evening
  14. Got a hell of alot of potential .... keep us posted
  15. That looks very very very nice indeed. One thing i think you may need to raise the edges a tiny bit because at the moment it looks a bit ... i don't know how to say it. But it will look excellent with the timber floor but would look even better if you raised the edges slightly and painted them the same as the rest of the low-loader.
  16. It has been on hold for a little bit i have to admit ... But i have managed to find some yellow model paint and have painted the top of the brush yellow like in the picture ..... today after making space for my new shed i am hoping to paint the brissles blue. But i will really try and kick start it next week as my Dad will be out soon. Thanks for asking I'll try and update the topic as much as possible.
  17. No problem ... Anything else just ask
  18. Looking very nice indeed Hope everything goes well for you What are you going to do with the Valtra decal ? Is it coming off or ...
  19. Yummy ;) My future tractor :o
  20. Well woke up half dead after last nights school disco .... found myself a new lady ;) And took the dog for a walk ... then found one of my Dads friends round who oh...coicidently collects models aswell So he was chatting to me about how he managed to snap a ?200 crane within five minutes of getting it. That and unwrapping my new Triathlon spreader .... thanks Udi ;)
  21. Welcome to the forum Niels ... What an amazing collection you have there .... never seen so many limited editions
  22. I've heard of it ..... can't think were though. But what springs to mind is the Cabbage family. But im pretty sure it was on the Simpsons for whatever reason..... they were making a model man out of it i think ..... may have got that completely wrong but thats what springs to mind. Weird
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