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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. Huh ? Who me ??? Was it me who you PM'd ? And was he ? Oh that explains it then ...
  2. Last Saturday at Maidstone toy fair ..... there were quite a few stalls selling them actually which didn't specialise in either farm toys/farming or all model magazines.
  3. Oh right .... i managed to get that at a toyfair. I have to admit i was dissapointed with it but now knowing about whats going on with it i can forgive it and i am hoping for an iprovement. But that's only my opinion ....
  4. What issue has everyone been waiting for ?
  5. Are you talking about the site or a model on the site ?
  6. Thankyou ever so much Marky ..... im not falling asleep im loving it finding a bit more about the machines i've grown up loving. Thankyou also MF Fan ... i've got some serious googling to do :D A couple of things ... were Masseys the dominant figure in the trade then ? I've always thought this but have never really known about any other tractors around the time. And why did Massey Ferguson start changing there image and shape ? The pic is probably one of my favourite tractors haven't a clue about numbers but a Massey like this was always a dream and i finally got to sit and be driven in one.
  7. Thanks Marky .... Most of the Tractors in the video seem to be a bit more modern than the Massey of the front cover, and im not sure if you've mentioned them ... but they mostly had a Lo-profile sticker on the cab.Not sure if thats anything to go by .... i know as much about these Tractors from a farmers point of view than a rat. ??? Another thing when did the Masseys start to lose there rectangular shape ? I was highly interested in farming as a kid .... then the army and i come back to farming and my child hood heroes were all round. What happened there ? Thanks again FN ( I'll Google a few of these Marky, im very interested about them )
  8. Hi, I was just wondering if anyone could give me a bit of information about Massey Fergusons during the late 80's up to about 2000. The reason why ? Well ever since i was 3-4 i have always had a kiddies video about Tractors. It featured mainly Masseys, infact 98%. And it hasn't struck me to a few minutes ago when i watched the video again for ideas that i would like to know a bit more about the machines. So if you have any info. about how they were, what they were like to drive etc could you please tell me a bit about them. Pics would also be nice . Some rough numbers..... I only saw a few numbers mainly on the combines but a Massey Ferguson 32 up to 38 ( ??? ) Thanks Nick
  9. Yummy !! Another amazing job by the master :o Brilliant Graham my friend, simply brilliant.
  10. Is it just the angle that the photo was taken from and i know it's a play toy but is that front loader a tad big ?
  11. I haven't really read many topics about Farm and Site as they are all a little bit detailed for me ..... but what issue is causing all the hassle ? I've got October's issue is this the one the whole debate is about ? But what Barry said we should all be a bit more supportive because if we didn't have it .... you'd all start winging again about how we should have a mag. Things take time FN
  12. Yikes !!! Cracking collection you have there mate * Nick looks at his rather smaller collection and sobs * ;) ;) Brilliant mate !
  13. It just isn't Tris' day today is it ? ;) Happy time That's for your Borat comment Tris
  14. Me and one of my best mates ( new New Holland ) round his nans playing with his sisters bead making machine. His sister laughed at us for taking it too seriously by me saying " Are there enough blues Luke ?"
  15. Looking nice Nick .... keep us up to date with it *
  16. Holy mother of ...... :o :o :o Whens that coming out ? And what sort of price do you think ? Lovely jubbly !!
  17. Please someone just put it up !! Im getting excited by the sound of it
  18. Perfect Belarusfan just what i was looking for :) Thanks mate
  19. I tryed there and have got a good picture but i need more details i want this to be spectacular .... and at the moment it looks poo !! :D
  20. I was wondering if any of you had any good close up pictures of Kverneland or Accord drills. Hopefully the same kind of drill as the small Siku seed drill. Thanks FN
  21. Lovely site Barry, You can expect a few purchases from me *
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