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Posts posted by Kiwi6920

  1. :D :D It's a NH Nick  :D :D

    And is that the blue thing  :-\ All i know is it had a big roller on the back? Is that what is called a rotary plough then  :-\ :-\

    Yeah mate its a immants rotary plough, ment to be full one pass cultivation, you are ment to be able to drive in to a grass paddock and leave with it ready to drill or drilled if you have a seeder on it

    Whith reguards to the drill on that machine im wondering if its fert not seed, other wise its getting put in fairly deep , i could be wrong tho

  2. Nice job for a 1st go markey, i had a chunk of key way missing out of my headstock when i got my plough so she walked all over the show, the furrows looked like a string laying around, as you have said pratice makes perfect, Keep up the pratice and you will have a dead straight furrow in no time

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