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Posts posted by Kiwi6920

  1. At your place are there many free stallbarns?


    We dont have a indoor system, our farm is 160 acres, avrage padock size is 3acres, we run a all grass based system using minamal silage imput, we use 10ha of turnips each year for summer feed, we have a 32 a side herring bone cow shed ( been re made in to a 44 )

    What i was meaning about  the simlaraity was the milking aera,

    Ill get some pics today for you bas  ;)

  2. Welcome to the forum mate , nice pics even for red and grey,s we will soon get you on the green side ;)

    And lil tip, any old blues get swarmed on VERY fast on here, ;)

  3. cheers guys, only way to get a good dispaly is get a colector to do it ;)

    they give me a  15% discount on any thing i buy. its worth it, The next ones i do can only have current siku stock in since they cant get Rc2 or Uh

    The display took me a bout 2hrs to set up and it took me around 8 hrs to cut all the grass of the astro turf bottom, the display is 2m long and 1.2 deep

    Ill get some more pics of the rest of it, I theamed it as JD

    Thanks again for the replys

    And marky..... If you want me to do a MF one send some over, i dont own any sorry  :D

  4. The take the tractor and drill 40km away do 1 padock and come home, good in theroy, get the drill on the way, easy, have the harrows fall of on a bump  ::),  get to the run off, load  up with the seed, get to the padock, have to set the drill up again >:(  Got 3 runs in to the padock, and noticed there was no chain on the seed box, it was on the ground, the drill wheel ( turns the cog to feed the seed) had gone flat, In turn the sand was been picked up of the wheel and jamming up the cog causing the chain to splay the joining link and chuckin the chain of, Had to drive 30 km again to get the trye pumped up ::), got back to the padock then had a beering colapese on me for the seed gearing, 5 hrs wasted nicely  ::) ::)

  5. Nice work!!!, missus would love the Sylvanina families :D :D :D

    Did you put the grey wheels on the JD ???:) :)

    Yeah they kept trying move in to my window ::)

    yeah i put the wheels on, they are of the 210 duetz, i feel she has more of the old 10series look,

    I forgot to mention the dio was ALL green

  6. Hey guys here are 3 pics of the display i did for my local toyshop, they had a grand opening for there new store, This is still in the front window and they have asked me to do all the displays for them now, The pics arent that good as they were thru the window and on my phone, ill get some better ones at some stage




    Let me know what you think guys Cheers Nick

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