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Everything posted by dwain

  1. i had realy good game of golf this morning then whent down the pet shop to buy some fish
  2. i was trying realy hard for that model never mind
  3. i take it you have looked at your ebay :D not not to bad a price i think
  4. just won my black diamond today i will post as soon as i know
  5. nice saying i will remember that one
  6. we all started some where and it looks a good start
  7. wow that looks amazing would you make one to sell
  8. i bid up to ?165 what do you think it's worth?
  9. looking good kaz thinks you have a lot (she has just seen thepics)
  10. played a good game of golf then round my mums for dinner wraped the last of the presants and now chiling
  11. i am sorry to hear that.i remember when my grandad past away when i was at school i was not told to the late eavening it's not nice tobe the last to know.
  12. i was playing golf and i was haveing a realy good round untill me and my step dad caught up 2 women and they said we can play before them so anyway my step dad t'ed off a realy good drive then it was my turn,i dont like people watching me take my shot cos i am new to golf realy so i hit the ball about 12 feet it was so funny then it was a par 4 and i did it in 10 and that was the reason it tock so many shots cos of my first shot :D :D :D
  13. welcome to the forum mate. some nice conversions there
  14. nice pics great looking deeres there
  15. not only is it a nice model it also say its number out of 1500
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