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Everything posted by dwain

  1. your right it is a beauty i would love to get my hands on one of those how much are thay?
  2. she looks stunning :P
  3. i cannot remember as i got it from spalding last year \
  4. a trailered would look nice and then hooked up to a 7920 on row crops
  5. its a clear night not that cold plenty of fireworks going off
  6. nice pics lots of diffarent kit.not sure that 1 in 11 tractors are belarus my self \
  7. is that all i look forward to there release
  8. no which is a shame but they still look good it is a good idea making a set of removable's make sure you let us know how you get on
  9. dwain

    Steam rally

    best place for it :D
  10. these are my conversions but not i have done as i'am not as clever but the people that did these are very talented well more then me anyway
  11. looking good graham i like the little deatail
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