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Everything posted by dwain

  1. has it been on pimp my ride :D
  2. dwain


    i have to say not being a jcb fan it looks very smart
  3. that one looks rubbish where is the one better one you was bilding :D
  4. nice looking that will be on my list
  5. there not that good looking so its only a may be for me if i get one
  6. he is doing fine thanks mate he has now put on 11oz, he has a bit of a cold at the mo,he is sleeping well he go's down at 12.30 and wakes between 6 and 7.30
  7. what a nice set of quadtracs you have you did a fantastic job on that conversion
  8. wow i that detail on that lemken plough is amazing
  9. looking a nice layout i like the little lights nice job
  10. well back to work after 2 weeks off for paternity leave which was a hard day cos i have never left him before but the kids at school made it up as they made me a card (which whent to my heat cos they suffer from all sorts of disabilites )
  11. sorry your more right then me it was late and i was sorting out my son at the same time as reading topic
  12. great site do you make models to sell as you have some very nice bits of kit there
  13. no but without looking under the bonnet it looks structuraly it looks not bad shaspe
  14. nice pics. i dont know anything about lifting beet but very impressive bit of kit
  15. nice pics the 2140 looks in good shape
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