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Everything posted by Barry

  1. Round of applause to the Royal Mail for getting it to you with no address on aswell......fair play, they did extremely well for you there.
  2. Barry


    Ah, I miss understood, I thought it was something else, not the Same cars, as Robbo had already been writing about it, thus there was nothing new about the Same cars to be posted, and I also went to the website and the information about the Same cars was alreay there.......so, by defult, I was expecting a further 'announcment from Minitrac later today' to be something other that the already announced Same cars!!!!
  3. Barry


    14:15 Refreshed the page 25 times, nothing yet
  4. Maybe we should have a Shapeways thread?? Anyways, is this the 'Grondfrees' you were refering? grondfrees = ground cutter!!
  5. Another one of these going for a good price.....would love to see Wiking remake them!!
  6. Excellent images, fantastic description, modest delivery charge
  7. Scania, I’ll wait for someone to make a 2021 thread and add what the model actually is!!! this is the bare metal model
  8. The black Valtra doesn’t have black rims, *masssive sigh*
  9. Brilliant, you've basically done everything I want to do!!! CAD design, laser cutting, make a Heath bale chaser!! Well done
  10. Terrible paint job on the Fiat!!!! Some nice items in there
  11. You got a shipment of Chinese factory workers in John, like a production line!!! Looking good
  12. I used primer filler and sanded it down, about 3 layers before painting it red. like Sean said, I removed lots of parts to get the kit to fit, belts and chains mostly, modified the hitch and pick up reel, all based on different images from goggle searches.
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