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Everything posted by powerrabbit

  1. Here are some good links to look at on the subject. http://www.googlesyndicatedsearch.com/u/HSEC?q=power+lines&sa=Go http://www.googlesyndicatedsearch.com/u/HSEC?q=quad+bikes&sa=Go Type whatever you want information on in the site search box, this is a very informative site and will tell you everything on safetey legislation everyone should know and be aware of.
  2. Am I correct in thinking that the wearing of a motorbike helmet is required by law? Quads are in the same class so we must assume the law applies here as well. Power lines by law have to be a minimum of 17 feet above ground level, if they are not and someone is electrocuted, the Company responsible for them are liable. Also poles that carry power cables have to by law have a warning sign attached to them at eye level, again, the Company is responsible. Does anyone remember their College days and being taught the correct way to erect an electric stock fence in the vicinity of power lines? There have been several fatalaties with these over the years.
  3. That Deutz Allis is very rare to the U.K as they were only produced for the U.S market in 1988 to mark the merger of Deutz and Fahr. The only difference between this version and the ordinary Deutz-Fahr DX92 U.K issue was the cab decal. I wonder how long it will be before there are others apearing like the so-called MF590's?
  4. Unfortunately there are still too many farm accidents. A couple of weeks ago, a freind of mine, who takes student apprentices on the ag training scheme, had one of his students killed on the quad bike, he was riding back the road from seeing the sheep, rounded a bend and met a car and just clipped the front corner, he was thrown from the quad and cracked his head, died 3 days later in hospital. Why oh why do they still not wear a helmet, everyone I see around here on quads, and there are a large number of them never seem to wear helmets?, you think that it would only be common sense.
  5. Been just down the road today to a local village agric show with the tractor. Won the cup for best tractor which was nice. We did something a little different there this year, tractor balancing, one of the tractor chaps built a tractor seesaw and we all had great fun trying to balance the tractors, the one that done it the best was a local 16 year old girl and just to prove it was not a fluke, she did it twice more, on a grey and gold 4 cyl Fergie, perfect ballance every time. The poor bloke on his S111 Feild Marshall gave up after a dozen attempts, the public thought it was fantastic. Sorry no pics, too wet for the camera but we will be doing it again.
  6. Now now Mandy, don't get your smalls in a twist, rise above it dear. Just a question of being in the right place at the right time,. I've often kicked myself when I have missed opportunities. Any more news on the Atcost stuff?
  7. A week or two ago I got a mint box for the Britain's yard scraper and buckrake set for 99p, I had the scraper for it but now have to look out for the buckrake, I think that it was a green one that was in this set originally, I'll probably come across one one day.
  8. I suppose you could put some of the Britain's ones in the same catagory, speaking of 'dealer' editions as these were supposed to be 'limited'. I know the Ertl side still do these in the U.S but here in the U.K sales were so small that dealer boxes have been dropped to my knowledge.
  9. Going to a local show tomorrow at Chagford and driving out the D.B. 780 so have been cleaning it up today and gave it a service. Drained the diesel out of the tank and renewed the fuel filters and re-filled the tank with DERV. So if the Customs tank dippers are there, which they very well could be as a couple of local dealers have stands there and about 30 other tractors, I can politely tell them where they can shove their dipstick. Saturday another local show just 2 miles down the road at which I organize the tractor section and next Thursday evening pulling a float in a carnival 4 miles out the road.
  10. I have been told that Siku limited edition tractors that are available on general sale here in the U.K are in fact what used to be the 'Farmer Series' in the silver box contained in the perspex case on plinth. These tractors have been given slightly more detail, mostly graphics and the farmer series that were in these boxes have been dropped. These tractors, although not being numbered individually, the number produced is printed on the top front right hand side and rear top left hand side of the box. These are now being named 'Year' tractors.
  11. TM190, the card you have pictured is exactly the same stuff that I pictured except for the colour. The shop where I found mine only had the fawny colour but with a grey primer spray it looks the bizz, hav'nt done anything with it yet though.
  12. The Devon County Working Day one is very good and very professionally done, I would recomend it. I know the lads very well who own the farm at Tedburn St Mary, known them for years, used to all be in the YFC together as it's just across the valley from me. Make sure you get the one that is titled County Tractor Working Days With Ford Conversions. The picture on the case cover has at the bottom a pic of the rear end of a County ploughing and the number on the tractor is VAV 127X. The top pic has 5 Counties ploughing from left to right down a sloping field. Bottom of cover has 'Script by Stuart Gibbard' on it. I have said all that because there are two of these Devon County Tractors videos and the other one is, so I'm told, s**t.
  13. Here is some that I found. Local craft shop, A4, 1mm thick. plain on the back, 20p a sheet, perfect for the job.
  14. If there is logic in my thinking, it would seem to me that it was quite a clever marketing stratagey. As we know from their earliest advertizing, the toys were definitely aimed at the collector as well as for playability,. I would say, all scales for all hand sizes. I would recomend anyone to read about the Companies history and you will discover just how clever they were and still are, their early ads became their trademark and are still known, even if you don't mention the name, as "The ones with windows".
  15. Corgi never really declared scale in the early days but their cars were roughly 1/48, the trucks and lorries 1/50, farm and garden 1/46. The 'Junior' were around 1/60. The later toys from the 1970's were slightly larger scale of 1/42. They also made models throughout in scales of 1/35, 1/45 and special issues for the likes of Marks & Spencers in 1/18. 'Cars Of The 50's series were 1/36. This is only roughly so accuracy of these scales might not be exactly right.
  16. I have heard that Corgi are to release sometime in the near future some tractors. Wheather these will be a re-release of their old ones or completly new ones I am not sure but I was informed that they are the Massey Ferguson and Ford/Fordson tractors. Does anyone know anything about this? Aparently Corgi had a large stand at a big model show and were advertising this.
  17. Spent the morning fitting the refurbished water pump on the D.B 780. Pain to do as the air cleaner assembly and cradle had to come off to remove the radiator, after draining the water and the battery has to come out because that's in the front as well, then all had to be put back together again. Spent 4 hours on it as while it was all to bits thought I would clean out the front of the chassis and re-paint where neccesary and run the tractor up to temp to make sure there were no water leaks. Jobs done now so I am hoping the water pump will last another 39 years.
  18. Do you all know that there is a replacement now being published in place of 'Farm & Site' in September. This new magazine is titled 'Model Tractor' and will be published quarterly. It is said that it will be available from selected newsagents and on subscription. Subscription will be ?10 a year (4 issues). European subscription agent is Martin Smits and for Ireland, Tommy Fennelly. In mainland U.K this magazine will be distributed by 'Model Tractor' themselves. If anyone wants more details, addresses and telephone numbers for the above contacts, look in the current tractor mags, or, I will post them up for you.
  19. Big Valtra with a front mounted flail topper and a verge cutter on the rear parked up on a roundabout, interesting as this tractor and the cutters were orange in colour.
  20. Been to my local Serck place to pick up the water pump for my D.B 780. It had'nt done bad, 39 years before it had to be refurbished, just goes to show that if you can grease them, as this one has a grease nipple,they will last for years. Will put it back on the tractor now before I take the tractor off to a couple of local shows and a ploughing day at the end of August begining of Sept.
  21. Spalding too far for my little legs. Westpoint Exeter this coming Sunday (12th) then save hard for Toytrac.
  22. Hot and sunny here today up till about 3.30pm then started clouding up, started to rain around 3.45pm and then it realy rained, thunder, lightning, the works. looked in the rain-guage when it cleared around 6.30 and in that time had 1 and a 1/4 inches. Bit of useless knowledge, did you know that an inch of rain over an acre of ground is 100 tons of water? Thats imperial measure of course.
  23. Perhaps should be posted in 'hints and tips'-- but the decals I make and print on label paper, I find that if you use the tip of a very very pointed small craft knife/scalpel blade to lift the backing paper off by turning the tax disc/decal backing paper side up and just sort of ***** the paper at an angle close to the edge and lift, this seperates it perfectly. I must admit though, with something as small as a tax disc, very fiddly.
  24. I have a set of hole punches that you whack with a hammer, 1 inch down to 1/4 inch, that works ok but have to sand the outer edge slightly.
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