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Everything posted by powerrabbit

  1. In my experience with paint jobs, if you have a light undercoat and a dark top coat you will have the effect of the lightness of the under coat always visible through the paint efectively making it a lighter shade than it actualy is, if that makes sense. Dark top coat needs a dark under coat to deepen it to it's true colour and light undercoat for light top coat otherwise you need a lighter shade of the top coat on the light under coat to create a colour 'bleed' barrier and then your darker top coat.
  2. He's on another planet with minimal Earth communications and hopes that there is no-one out there that knows the first thing about doing economic convertions. We all know that converting does incur a certain amount of expence but to put a price on it that high just goes to show that you can dream a little. Why not put a sensible starting price on and just see what it goes to, then you would know what the market is. Been watching this guy's stuff in the past and everything he has 'or best offer' on has always been rejected. I have got one of those alluminium large camera type cases that is bulging with older Britain's tractor parts, wheels, tyres, linkages, axles etc and they hav'nt cost me a bean, wonder what price I could put on that? I've got a few brand new and sealed in-the-bag motors for the power farm Counties, think I will put them on and ask silly money, bound to be some mug out there that will pay silly money.
  3. I open (when nessecary) all my boxes this way, like you say, with a thin narrow blade, slide it in under the end-flap just enough to then lever the tag end from the inside folding flap and lift the end-flap so it clears the tag, that's how I do it. difficult to explain really.
  4. Me thinks that blue is probably a calming colour to Rhrino's, if red were to be used they could be continuously on the charge and that would really upset any breeding programme. On the other hand, if it would get Kate Humble going, I would definitely use red!
  5. Here are 3 more from my collection that are said to be rather rare. Zetor Crystal. All plastic but really good in detail. Old Cars Fiat 640. One of these on Ebay made good money the other day. A Holder 'bendy-in-the-middle' tractor.
  6. I would like to come back with a little more. I have scanned the reveiw in the July Dicast Collector and reading between the lines, it seems to me that the new 5000 is somewhat of a 'tester' to see how the different customers, ie the toy side and the collector side, receive it. We know that they do look on the forum for which we should be grateful, so post like hell chaps. The reveiw tells us of the strength of the agricultural toy demand and sales figures and they are said to be building on this success and have dropped production of the larger scale automotive side of manufacturing to put resouces 'elsewhere'. As for the accuracy of detail, blueprint plans of tractors are no longer supplied to them so they have to rely on photographic material and measurement so without blueprints in front of them it is only to be expected that a certain amount of detail will be missed. I would say, "Mr Britain's man, if you're reading this, tell the OEM's that your customers require a good representation of detail in the product so please please please supply us with blueprint copies, how hard would it be, surely your Secretaries are farmiliar in the use of photocopiers?
  7. I fundamentaly agree with all that's been said and the hype it had before the release. No matter what the quality, there will always be a certain amount of criticism regardless of who made the model. What can we all really expect for just ?12.99p. Detail has to be paid for, this is why, in my oppinion other models with more detail are priced conciderably more. You can't have your cake and eat it as they say. Be thankful that at least they are thinking about the more classic tractors and that with a little gentle pressure and persuasion, models will improve further. It will be interesting to see if any of the comments will be addressed by the time the 7000 is on the shelves. Just a question of 'watch this space' I reckon.
  8. Hi James. I will second all that but hope you have a good sense of humour and a thick skin, you'll need both on here. Enjoy.
  9. Nice selection of animals there 1HP. Don't see too many of the Jersey cows about now and the pigs are nice to see, the two in your pics are the Saddleback and Middle White. There were so many types and variations of animals and figures available in the 60's and 70's and the quality and detail of them were far better then than the plastic ones you get now, the modern ones are too shiny and the plastic seems to be more 'opaque', you can almost see through it. The sheep are good as well, yours look like Dorset Horn. I have a 4 litre old icecream tup full of these period animals but I must say that I personaly like the older hollow-cast lead animals and figures, to me they have a little more character. Look out for the Highland cattle, the stag with antlers and the Clydesdale horses, these are quite rare. I will post up some pics of this sort of stuff if anyone wants to see them and hope that others will too.
  10. If I remember rightly, Photobucket automaticly reduces the size of pics for pasting to forum aplications,. I think you have to set your preferences and tick the forum size box when you start using it when you 'open your account'
  11. The final 7000 may just have larger profile tyres on the same wheels to raise it a little as I believe the real 7000 was on larger size tyres and woud have stood a little higher than the 5000.
  12. Next issue of Tractor & Machinery will have some very interesting articles in it. In the back of the current issue about the next issues content is a little vague but I have been informed of some of the articles that will be in, especialy the model section. Sorry can't say too much about it as I've been sworn to secrecy.
  13. Would it be possible I'm wondering, if any of you that do moulding, to cast the axle of the 5000 in it's original form and drill out the king-pin shafts and add make an 'L' to form the king-pins and stub axles from wire, re-fit the wheels and connect them with a wire type drag-link? Would this be more viable than buying two tractors as there would be less 'waste' as it were. I'm sure it's possible. Just a thought.
  14. For those interested there is an open day for the Coldridge Collection of Ferguson tractors at Mike Thorns Lower Park Farm, Coldridge near Crediton in Devon on 7th July. Mike as you may know has a very extensive and interesting collection of Fergy tractors and machinery in the collection and has recently been given a large amount of the Banner Lane collection to add to it on the closure of their museum in Coventry. At the open day there will be a lot of stalls offering mainly Ferguson related items including spare parts, salvaged, old and new and also printed stuff like hand books, literature etc. These open days, which happen around once a year is very interesting. The contact number for more details is 07966 328600.
  15. Realy smart that. I have one of those Old Cars Fiat tractors but dare'nt touch it as apparently they are ultra rare and worth a fair bid of spondulux. Very nice and imaginitive creation.
  16. Thanks for the compliment. I'm on the hunt for more of the Lone Star ones, bits, parts, whatever, to convert as they seem fairly straight forward to do. All the ones they made were the same base so a variety of 90/94 series models could be created, 1390/94, 1490/94, 1590/94 and the 1690/94 and in varying liveries from the D.B red and white, Case black and white with red wheels and the Case IH variants in the IH colours with the silver wheel rims.
  17. DB1410. Did you find the pics of my David Brown models? If not, I could start a new topic for D.B. models if everyone else was up for it. I say everyone else as I don't want to bore the pants off everyone who has seen some of them before. What yah reckon lads and ladesses?
  18. DB1490. If you look back through the tractor conversion posts you will find the pics of my D.B convos (and others).
  19. The early 90 series when launched in 1980 at Monaco were all with red steps, these steps were not that strong and were always getting damaged and being rather light rusted out after a time and by the time they did red painted ones were no longer available as they were replaced with stronger ones that were black. Anyway, the cab roof decal has now been done. Ihope that this now completes the model.
  20. Thanks for that. I've missed out the roof decal, Damn, knew there was something, I will cure that later on. The steps on the real one were Power Red, they were black when they dropped the Power Red in 1984 when they changed to the black and white 'magpie' livery and the David Brown name was dropped.
  21. Just been looking over the new 5000 and the detail is very good until you come to the seat and the hitch. The cab is quite good as it is glazed and has a metal roof and the addition of the foot steps on each side is good so are the decals and the grille. The lack of rear lighting lets it down a tad but as said in previous posts, room for improvement by converters. Sill a good model overall though, be interesting to see later in the year what the 7000 will be like.
  22. Well, goodness gracious me! If these in 1:32 are worth this, or more, as there is almost a day to go, what are the 1:16 ones potentialy worth?
  23. Can I stand up for him a bit? As said, different dealers/sellers have their differing pricing structures according to their overheads, such as, volume of models suppliers will supply to them, numbers of a particular model etc. The table or stall charge at attended events. I would say, in defence of any 'travelling' retailer, if you have to spend a day loading the van, the next day travelling 250 odd miles to an event, next day setting your stand up, booking accomodation/camp site, 2 or 3 days on site, pay ?10 a foot frontage for your site and then another day to travel home again and pack it all away, it works out pretty expensive, anyone who has had experience doing this will acknowledge where I'm coming from. TM810, pm me and I can give you the full story on the broken baler.
  24. What's he done to upset you then Tractorman? Spill.
  25. How long has Ed had his website? Must be fairly recent.
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