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Marky Ferguson's Workshop and those Bl**dy potato boxes !!!

Lord Ferguson


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Put it here so's not to go OT (being the good boy I am) (2006 awards not that far away...) anyway.. Someone had the bright idea of staining the boxes with a stained wax (can't remember who sorry - and can't find that thread !) - anyway... I think they look a lot more authentic like this - what do you reckon  ???

C:\Documents and Settings\Mark_2\My Documents\Mark

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Look rather good Mark, that wax has worked a treat gives it a more soiled, used look as no tattie boxes are ever clean :D :D :D :D

Could you PM or post the prices of them as I might be interested in a couple of hundred  ??? ??? ;) ;) :D :D :D :D

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Thanks MF Fan - easy to make (good job really !) but VERY time consuming indeed. Trouble is I've let them all go now and I've decided to have some of my own :(... bugger ::)

Well they look like they were more than worth the time you spent on them

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Thanks MF Fan and you Martin - It makes one feel all warm up one leg when you get praise like that.  As with all these tasks its easy if you have the kit - I'm pretty hopeless at this sort of thing but my little bandsaw does a really good job - Anyone thinking of making a workshop investment should consider one of these - mines about 85 quid now so it won't break the bank (seeing what some of you pay for models).  I think I may have posted that before somewhere - forgive me if I have  ::)

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I'll back him up on that, if he hadn't of offered to show me his tools  ::) ::)::) I'd probably be on box number 3 by now using a small hacksaw and hobby knife to cut the wood! :D :D :D :D

cheers Mark!

I'll get you some Hamlet next time i'm over!  :) :)

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